31 - Spoiled Brat.

Start from the beginning

"You alright?" I asked as I settled next to him.

"I'm more than alright, baby," he said with a wide grin, "I'm ecstatic. It feels like a dream come true."

I tried to suppress my own overwhelming emotions, feeling this unbelievable wave of happiness for him, and a strong gratitude to Big Solly for helping to make this all happen. At that moment, nothing else in the world mattered.

Pulling up into the driveway of my house, I could see Uncle Ben's face turn to shock. "You live here?" he asked me, eyes almost popping out of his head.

Nodding in agreement and squeezing his hand tightly, I said, "Yes, we do."

But he seemed reluctant and uncertain about this arrangement, "But, Frankie, I don't want to intrude upon you and your space. I don't want to add to the pile of responsibilities that you already have."

"That's nonsense," I retorted immediately. "We're family, Uncle Ben. That means we stick together."

"But I have my own place," he tried to argue.

"I need you to stay here, with us," I argued back, sounding more insistent, "so that I can make sure you're alright."

Uncle Ben raised his hand, tracing my cheek lightly with the tips of his fingers. "Baby girl," he said softly, "it's supposed to be the other way around. I'm the one who should be looking out for you and Noah, not you having to care for me."

I found my eyes misting over. "Then stay with us and keep us safe."

It took him a while to let his defenses down, and the warm smile on his face revealed that he had finally accepted the arrangement. It was a huge relief and in the joy of the moment, I threw myself at him, holding him tight.


There was a warmth and joy welling up in me that I just couldn't suppress. Seeing Noah's face light up upon Uncle Ben's return home had done that. And it was all thanks to one man - Big Solly.

Shifting on the cushions, I couldn't ignore the briefcase that had been passed over to me from Big Solly's slick-suited attorney. Filled to the brim with curiosity, I flicked the latches and flipped it open to reveal a violin case, personalised with Francesca etched right on it. Slowly lifting the lid, my heart seemed to stutter in my chest. Resting snugly inside was a Stradivarius violin, a thing of absolute beauty, and unmistakably valuable.

But how did Big Solly even know I played?

Without wasting a second, I snagged my cell off the table, punching in Big Solly's number.

"Francesca, mia cara, (my dear)" was the warm, friendly greeting that met me.

"I hope I'm not interrupting, Mr. Lombardi," I answered, maintaining a professional tone. "I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude for everything you've done for me. Because of you, Uncle Ben is finally safe and home, and for that, I will forever be indebted to you."

"You don't owe me a thing, Francesca. I am simply grateful that I could be of assistance. What truly matters is that Benjamin is now a free man, as he rightfully deserves after all those years of injustice," he replied, his sincerity shining through his words.

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart," I responded genuinely. "But I can't help but wonder, how did you know about the violin?"

A soft chuckle resonated through the phone as Big Solly replied, "I was talking to Conor on Christmas Eve, and I heard you play so beautifully. I was beyond captivated. I only hope that you like the one I sent you, and who knows, maybe one day I'll have the privilege to witness you play for me." His voice trailed off gently.

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