Chapter 17 - Revelation

Comenzar desde el principio

He entered the cafe, hearing his family saying hello to him, but they all stopped halfway as they saw the red haired man with a baby that looked like a mixture of him and Penny.

"Uncle Sam! Did you and Penny have a baby?", Sarah was first to appose the question, "of course they didn't, otherwise Penny would've been on maternity leave and had a big belly!", he was glad to see that his nephew had some common sense.

"Well, you never know, maybe Penny had a small bump and gave birth in the week she was off, because that baby has got her hair and uncle Sam's eyes!", the blonde teenager concluded.

"Ok you two, go and play upstairs, while me, Sam and your mum have a grown up chat!", the fisherman convinced his kids to go upstairs, while he sat at the table with his brother and wife.

"So bro, are you and Penny together? Did you guys have a baby?", the blonde man questioned curiously, "yes we are a couple, and no we did not have a baby. We found this little girl on our doorstep yesterday and her birth mom wanted us to look after her!", the firefighter explained.

"Awww, that's so sad, but sweet at the same time. Are you going to adopt her? What's her name?", Bronwyn spoke emotionally, "yes we are going to after work and her name is Sofia, but there's a big favour I was wondering of you guys!", Sam asked.

"Of course, Samuel! What is it?", Charlie questioned curiously, "me and my partner were wondering if you could look after your niece when were on shift together!", the hero next door told them.

"We'd be more than happy to look after our niece, and it gives a chance to look after a baby again!", the married cafe owners squealed in excitement, "great, everything you need is in her diaper bag and will be back at 5:00pm!", he informed them of the details.

"Ok, is there anything else we need to know?", the cafe woman questioned, feeling that he had forgotten something, "oh yes, don't give her a bath as she still has her umbilical stump and she is only two days old!", her brother in law replied.

Sam gave his sleeping precious pearl and her changing bag to his brothers family, before giving them all a goodbye hug and his sister in law gave him a cookie to eat on the way to the firestation.

The lead firefighter walked inside the firestation and put his rucksack safely inside his locker, turning the key to close his belongings into the security locker.

Now that his stuff was safe from theft, he walked upstairs into the kitchen, watching his lover making two cups of tea for her and him, as the rest of the crew were either watching TV or typing up reports.

"Hey dear! How was your night shift?", Sam questioned curiously as he walked up to her and passionately kissed her forehead.

"It was great and exhausting. These night time activities that the towns people have come up with are keeping us on our toes. I've already had to scuba dive three times tonight, because of boats tangled in seaweed and people dropping their property into the ocean as they fall of cliffs!", Penny ranted anxiously.

"That must've been very eventful and it explains your damp hair, honey!", her lover found his conclusion to her wet hair as he ran his fingers through her soaked blonde locks.

"Yeah, where's Sofia?", the blonde woman furrowed her brows, "I left her in the care of Charlie and Bronwyn, but are you, darling! Ready to announce our love and daughter to our team?", he questioned kindly and she nodded her head in response.

"How was Sofia's first night in her new room in a cot, sweetie?", his partner questioned curiously, "it was actually really good, she only woke up once for a feed and a diaper change, but all newborns wake up during the night!", Sam filled her in as she was working during the night.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora