A Bit Hotter Than Expected

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This chapter contains mature themes.

"Then after their divorce, mom went to lower Ontario and fell in love with farm life. We can visit her after or before Japan if you'd like. That's a pretty quick journey with Washington being so close by." Maya explained and glanced over at Rose as she took several swigs from her water bottle. After spending some time on the hot springs of Yumthang and venturing the flowered expanse, Rose and Maya walked along the pathway leading back to her family's hotel and were nearly there. The serendipitous tune of her uncles and aunts' jovial laughter billowed toward them and she spotted a grin on Rose's face. "Was your time with my family fun?"

"Very, but I want to hear more about your upbringing."

"There isn't much more to tell. I got into law when my father took me to one of his meetings with Josephine's firm, but ultimately what sealed the deal was my parents' messy divorce. I'm not a fan of discussing it, so with most people I just explain my visiting the office." Maya interlocked the fingers of their hands and readjusted the shower caddy along her other arm, but Rose took it. She slung it over the back of her shoulder as she expectantly listened to her every word. "I went to Dartmouth and scored a one-sixty-three on my LSAT. When I came home, I immediately began working with my aunt since my father moved his practices. He's still very close with the family, of course, but he practices in the Bahamas now. I invited mother to the festivities since he couldn't come on account of a big case, but she had a prior engagement with several farms near to her hobby farm. Apparently they're hosting a big market place this week that people come to enjoy from all over."

"That's too bad. With the way you talk about your parents, I was hoping to meet them." Rose paused as Maya opened the gate for them and came through. Maya let her hand go long enough to relock the gate and fastened its second securing mechanism, tugging on it to make sure it was fastened. It didn't budge and she turned around to find Rose holding out her hand with an encouraging nod. "This was really nice. I definitely did get a little hot in the springs, but it was my first time. I bet the next time will feel different."

Maya took her hand and tilted her head to the side playfully as they took up their evenly matched stride once again. "The next time?" Rose winked over at her as they took the steps up onto the wrap around porch, then watched as she opened the door. "So, you want to come back with me next time as well?"

Rose simply nodded and visibly melted as she ran the backs of her knuckles along her cheek. After saying goodnight to the family, Maya and Rose walked hand in hand back to their room on the third floor. Maya unlocked the door with her key card and had a sudden realization as she peered down the hallway.

"What is it?" Rose walked into the room and Maya followed, feeling her cheeks heat beyond compare.

"Um, the rest of the family is on the other side of the hotel and on the first floor. Far and away from the sounds...on this side." Rose's eyes grew wide for a moment, then Maya was swamped in a hug and hoisted from the floor.

"So we have the entire wing to ourselves, huh?" Rose rubbed her nose along hers, then languidly kissed her, running her tongue over every centimeter of her mouth.

Once Maya pulled back, short of breath, she found that adoration in Rose's eyes once again and let it guide her to a place she hadn't ventured in a very, very long time. She wasn't drinking. In fact, Maya hadn't even needed to hold onto her AA chip like she usually did, feeling an absolution in her life like no other. She was set down beside the bed as the door to the room closed and beeped, sending a shiver down her spine. Rose rested her hands along the small of her back and leaned back, scanning her eyes over her face.

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