Friday Falls

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Maya glanced out of her office window and stared at the showers coming down, casting a gloom over a day meant to bring cheer. A day meant to end all this ridiculousness and even the playing field. Still, she can't shake this oddly foreboding sense of dread filling her chest. There were many things running through Maya's mind, but the one thing that stuck out the most was that kiss. She couldn't tear it from her thoughts and she brushed her fingers along her lips, recalling the tenderness in Rose's luscious, full mouth. She had the most succulent lips she'd ever experienced and she wanted more, but she'd held herself back, consigning herself in no more contact with them until things were settled.

As if on cue, a knock came at her office door and she waited as Gerry peeked her head through it after it swung open. "Hey, there's a Mrs. Johnson here to see you. Bex Johnson."

"Is she here with her lawyer?" Gerry shook her head and Maya got to her feet, gesturing toward the door. "Go on and let her--"

Bex didn't wait and waltzed into the room with a stern glare directed right at her. "I know what you're up to, Miss Joshi, and I will not stand for you slandering my name."

"Ma'am, this is highly unprofessional. If you wish to discuss things with me, then you can call through Gilford and--"

Gerry lingered in the entrance with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as Bex interrupted her again. "Enough of that! Young lady, I am several decades your senior and you will speak to me respectfully!" Bex walked up to her until she could literally feel her body heat and had marched her back into the bookshelves lining the wall behind her desk. "Stay out of my personal affairs and do not dare turning my family against me!"

"Mrs. Johnson, you've done a fine job at that without my help. Now, please leave." Maya squared off against her and clenched her jaw, speaking through barred teeth.

"Don't gnash your teeth at me, little missy! I paid your aunt for years and now you have the gall to speak to me so casually! How dare you!" She walked back to the door and pushed past Gerry, forcing her to catch herself on the framework. "Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you and stay out of my personal business!"

She left upon her last word and Maya breathed a sigh of relief too soon. Bex stormed back into her office as if she was a woman with a mission, but Lisa soon followed and blocked her mother's path, outstretching her arms in front of Maya. She glared defiantly at the woman and received a scolding gaze back for several silent moments. Then without warning, Bex turned around and left the room. This time, she did not return and Maya recalled how to breathe again.

Maya was not a fighter, not by a long shot, and feared the day this might happen to her with either one of her clients, or the subject whom they lodged their litigations against. She lifted her head after realizing she'd dropped it to her shaking hands and felt thirsty, immediately running for her phone.

"Maya, are you okay?" She heard Gerry ask from behind herself, but couldn't pay her any mind.

Not when she was so close to the edge. Not when her nerves were so very frazzled. She hurriedly unlocked her phone with trembling fingers, but it fell to the floor. A pair of hands caught it just shy of its trajectory and she looked to their source, finding a face she hadn't expected. She fell forward into Rose's arms and sobbed into her shoulder, feeling her moving ever so slightly. Maya peeled her gaze and saw that she was gesturing for Lisa and Gerry to leave the room, eventually prompted to move to the lounger.

Her breath wouldn't steady and her whole body shook from head to toe as her thirst grew. Recalling her aunt held a bottle of scotch in her office for special occasions, Maya shot out of Rose's arms and ran for her old office. She feverishly scanned the room, but before she could remember where Josephine kept her liquor, two arms came around her.

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