Back to School Pt.1

Começar do início

"Here you go, Pax," Peter said, handing Paxton a peanut butter sandwich. 

"Tiny bites," I reminded Paxton, and he nodded. 

We arrived at School ten minutes later, and Peter ran off to find his friends. I let Paxton lean on me as we walked to my classroom. Paxton dumped his bag on the floor before slumping into his chair, eventually falling asleep. I turned the screen on and waited for the kids. While I waited, I covered Paxton in my sweatshirt and lowered his head toward the desk. 

"Yo!! What's up, Ms.Romanoff?" I hear behind me.

"Hello, Jasper," I smile. 

"No Jaxon?" I questioned, looking for his twin.

He shakes his head and walks to his desk, pulling out last night's homework. I walk to the front of the desk, scanning my files, trying to find the homework. 

"Hey, Ms.Romanoff," A group of girls says as they enter.

"Hey, girls," I greet back.

I found the file marked March and clicked on the 17th. 

"Class, get out the homework from yesterday. I hope everyone was nice to our sub for the past months," I said, noticing a kid raising their hand.

"Yes, Ava?" I asked.

"A kid is sleeping in the back," She informs me as If I didn't know that.

"I know. That's one of my sons," I told her, and she nodded slowly.

I sighed and brought up the attendance list. Mostly, everyone was here until I got to the bottom of the list. 

"Where's Peter?" I asked the class, scanning the class for him.

"I'm here!!" He yelled, running into the room. 

I marked him present and continued with the list. 

"5 gone. That's less than usual," I mumbled.

I clicked off the attendance tab and onto the homework tab.

"Blake, what was due today?" I asked.

"This page," He says, waving the paper around.

"You're homework from Friday was due today," I elaborated. 

Multiple groans were heard around the room. I sighed and collected everyone's paper.

"Did anyone do the homework?" I questioned, and some hands went up. 

I groaned and threw the homework in the trash. Then I went to my desk and pulled out a packet. 

"This a 3-page review of what we've learned this trimester. It must be done before class ends," I told everyone, passing out the packet. 

After I passed out the packet, I went to my desk to answer emails. It was at this time Paxton woke up. 

"You're angry," Paxton pointed out, and I jumped. 

"Yeah, because the class is doing a packet instead of the homework on Friday," I told him, and he groaned.

"Why are you groaning?" I asked.

"Do I have to do the packet too?" He questioned, and I nodded.

"Eventually. I mean, this is the only algebra class that's 7-12th," I reminded him, and he nodded.

Parker BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora