Paxton's Birthday Pt.1

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This part continues after Paxton is done telling the story.


"Tell us another story!!" Noah exclaims, Nova agreeing with him instantly. 

"I don't know any more stories," I sigh 

"Our birthday's coming up, tell us about yours," Noah says 

"Here, how about this," Mom says, taking the phone away from the twins.

"I'll tell them about your birthday, and you'll catch up on schoolwork? And then when you're done, call back, okay?" Mom questions, making me nod gratefully. 

"Bye, No-No, bye Nov," I say before hanging up.


Past (September 22nd, 2016)


Why did nobody tell me how hard it is to wake up your kids? It's currently 3:42 A.M. We have to leave the house at around 3:50. Paxton insisted that on his birthday, we would go to Barton's house for his birthday. Now Iowas was only about 3-4 hours away, but Paxton decided we should be there before they woke up. I see no chance of that happening as he's not waking up. 

"Pax, baby, you gotta get up," I shake him, skittering my hand up his ribs. He giggles a little and opens his eyes. 

"Go get Peter," He mumbles, closing his eyes again. I shake him awake before leaving and heading to Peter's room.

"Hey, Pete, Paxton wants you," I tell him. He nods and walks towards Paxton's room.

"You want a piggyback ride, don't you?" Peter questions, getting a nod from Paxton. 

Peter sighs but heads over to Paxton's bed. While Peter piggyback rides Paxton to the car. I grab all the bags and carry them to the car. I made it to the car, hoping they were in their seats. I opened the trunk, putting the bags away. I open the backseat door, and nobody's in the car. I sigh as I turn around to look for them. I find them on the front lawn wrestling around. It's more like Peter's tickling Paxton while Paxton's trying to get away. 

"HEY!!" I shout to them. Peter stops tickling Paxton, allowing him to catch his breath. They both jog over to the car. 

"Mama, Peter was being mean," Paxton complains as he opens the backseat door.

"I was not Mr. Trouble," Peter replies, shaking his hands into his ribs.

"Nohohoho," Paxton giggles,  jumping away. 

"Alright, Alright, we gotta get going, guys," I respond, starting the car.

After 5 hours of driving (Pit stops, bathroom breaks, gas, food), we made it to Iowa. It took about 30 more minutes, but finally, after 5 hours and 30 minutes, we made it to Barton's. The boys took off running inside the house and on the couches, leaving me bringing all the bags inside. Once I had all the bags brought inside, it was time to go back to bed. There were some blankets on both couches, and I was about to hand a blanket to them when I realized I didn't know where they were. 

I looked around the room, finding them cuddled up on the floor. I left them be, as I didn't want to disturb them. I did put a blanket and pillow on them before heading to sleep. Three hours later, it was around lunchtime when I finally woke up. I groggily looked around the room. Laura or Clint must've moved Peter and Paxton while we were all sleeping. I take a few minutes to collect myself and head to the kitchen, where Clint and Laura will be. 

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