Chapter 11 - Emotional Whiplash

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You woke up feeling like you were in a car, you head against someone's lap as they played with your hair.

You groaned and looked up to see Miguel, someone else was talking in the front of the car.

He looked down at you and pressed his finger against his lips, the look on his face wasn't one of malicious intent.

You were about to say something before he covered your mouth and looked forward.

"You were right to trust your instincts on this one, Mateo. She's beautiful." You heard a voice say as Miguel glanced down at you.

He grabbed the cloth from before and doused it with liquid again before covering your mouth.

"Shh..." He whispered, running his hand through your hair before you slowly fell unconscious again.


You woke up feeling warm and comfortable, the sheets against your skin felt expensive. 

You opened your eyes to see you were in a large luxurious bedroom. 

Suddenly the door swung open and you gasped, scurrying across the bed as you looked up to see an older man. 

“Such a beauty.” He whispered, looking you up and down. 

“Where’s Miguel!?” You screamed as he chuckled. 

“I don’t know who that is, sweetheart. But, I promise this will be a little different than the other master’s you’ve known. I paid a very pretty price for you.” He said as you looked at him in shock. 

“What? No, he wouldn’t he’s…” You trailed off when you heard a gunshot, the sight of Macy dying shot through your mind. 

You gasped and got up backing away. 

“Easy now, sweetheart. I just knocked over a book. He warned me you were quite the skittish one, but I don’t mind a rescue.” He said, looking you up and down hungrily. 

You gripped at your hair as you felt tears well in your eyes. 

“This isn’t real…” You whispered to yourself as you began to cry. 

The man came over to you and placed his hand on your waist.

“Shh, it’s going to be alright. I’ll take good care of you.” He whispered as you stepped away from him and shook your head. 

He stepped forward again, touching your waist in the same place. 

“Deep breaths, darling. It’s all so new and scary, isn’t it?” He whispered as you looked up at him. 

You felt like you were a teenager again, being sold away for your body, you knew he was putting on a kind face to form a false sense of security. 

But, this wasn’t your first time, you were going to play him too. 

“I don’t want you to hurt me.” You whispered, looking away from him as he smiled. 

“Oh, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you.” He whispered in response leaning in to kiss you softly, you kissed him back before he leant back and smiled. 

“Such a pretty girl.” He whispered, his hand began to trail down before you head butted him and ran out the door. 

“Fuck you!” You screamed before running down the hallways of the large mansion. 

You made your way outside to see large black cars pulling up. 

You stepped back and looked at them in fear before you looked to see Miguel stepping out of a car in police gear. 

“What…” You whispered before someone grabbed you and pulled you into a car. 

You looked at them to see Macy. 

“What is happening?” You whispered. 

“Y/N, it’s okay. We will explain everything, right now you just need to trust us. They’ll take you back to the police station, okay?” Macy said before jumping out of the car and shutting the door. 

The car began to speed off as you sat against the seat and bucked up, your hands shaking. 

“You’re safe now, Y/N.” The officer driving said as you nodded a little and closed your eyes. 

Everything had happened so fast, all you could do was shut off your mind for now.

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