Chapter 4 - Intrigued

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You were waiting out the back, trying your best to calm your nerves down.

You were next and it was your first show with actual people in the room.

When it was your turn you took in a deep breath and walked out and began the routine you'd been practicing, you decided to add a little bit of extra things.

Whenever you could you would look at Miguel seeing him smiling at you with his legs spread like usual.

You noticed that the entire crowd had done completely silent while you danced, you weren't sure if it was a good thing or not.

But, by the looks on their faces they looked completly entranced, just like Miguel had.

You eventually lost yourself in the dance, not even paying attention to the audience before you finished and finally took a breath.

You looked out into the crowd to see Miguel smiling, suddenly the people started applauding, you kept your posture before walking back stage and smiling.

Macy ran up and hugged you tightly.

"I've never heard the crowd react like that! You did amazing!" She said making you chuckle softly, eventually you saw Miguel entering.

"Did I do well?" You asked as he smiled and came closer.

"Better than I could have ever imagined, darling. Everyone's out there talking about you." He said in amazement as he reached forward and stroked your cheek.

"Go get something to eat and relax, I need to see you in my office at 10pm to go over some last minute things." He said before pulling away, you nodded and walked upstairs to go get something to eat.


It came to 10pm and you were dressed in regular clothes again.

You entered Miguel's office to see him sitting there, waiting.

"Come sit down, darling." He said as you sat at the other end of his desk.

"Now, I want to speak to you about our patrons. I know I probably don't have to worry with you but we have rules here that you're not allowed to see or date patrons outside of the club." He said as you nodded.

"Don't worry, that's not a problem for me." You replied before he stood up and sat on the desk to be closer to you.

"Not in the dating mood?" He asked as you chuckled softly.

"Not really... I'm not the best at finding guys." You muttered looking away.

"I can imagine you've got a number of girls chasing after you." You said before he stepped down and went to his whiskey cabinet.

"A few here and there... No one that catches my eye as much as you." He said, turned away from you as you looked at him in shock.

"You like me in that way?" You muttered as he came over and handed you a glass of whiskey.

"You can't blame me for being intrigued by you, darling." He said sitting back on the desk.

"I guess I've just never been the kind of woman people are attracted to..." You muttered taking a sip of whiskey.

"What's not to like, darling? You're smart, beautiful and you have a great personality." He said as you chuckled a little.

"And being in prison for six years." You muttered as he looked at you in shock.

"I-I mean... Sorry, it kind of just came out. I'm not a bad person! Please don't fire me!" You begged as he chuckled softly.

"Darling, I've been to prison many times, so has most of the staff here. Look, we all have a past, some we can talk about and some we can't. You're in good company here, Y/N. You certainly won't be judged for your past." He said making you smile softly and look down at your drink.

"I'm glad I found this place. Really glad."

Miguel O'Hara Club Owner auWhere stories live. Discover now