twenty two (II)

66 11 25

❝But I can't help it
I'm falling for you
And I can't quit it
Cause I'm stuck on you❞

❝But I can't help itI'm falling for youAnd I can't quit itCause I'm stuck on you❞

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I stared at the bed, heart pounding all the way down to my dick.

Well, to be more precise, I stared at the woman on the bed. In my bed.

Now don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of women on beds before but this was different. Not one of them had made my toes curl and throat miraculously turn into ice and fire simultaneously like she could.

Harper Mae Collins was in my bed. And she was building a prison within it.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat, still standing awkwardly near the door to the attached bathroom I'd stepped out of. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Harper huffed, laying big fluffy pillows in the middle with the dedication of a foreman laying brick. "I'm putting in protection."

"That's something that usually goes on a guy's dick, Harp," I joked.

She didn't laugh, stopping and glaring at me menacingly.

"Listen here, Aiden Mitchell," she started in a voice so authoritative I almost creamed myself. In a good way. "I'm totally fine with your best friend staying in my room and with us for a couple of days. And I'm totally fine to sleep in this bed with you. But what I'm not fine with is you getting any funny ideas in that big block head of yours, alright?"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I brought my hands up in the air. "What's with the third degree? I didn't even say anything."

"Precisely!" she said, pointing a throw cushion at me like a weapon as she sat back on her knees. "You didn't say anything because you're a man of action, not words."

Her eyes momentarily dropped south and she stuttered.

"You are keeping your little john away from me or I'll snap it like a twig, you hear?"

Why did that turn me on?

"Listen here Harper Mae Collins," I started, keeping the smirk off my face as I rounded the bed and moved to my side. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who initiated the kiss last night."

"That's not-"

I took my shirt off and her words died in her throat.

"You were also the one who initiated the kiss at the club," I continued, laying my shirt on the back of the chair then getting into bed. "And then you freaked out thinking we had kissed. If anyone's a person of action here, it's you Demon Cub."

The look on her face told me she hadn't heard a word I'd said.

"What? Never seen a man's chest before?" I looked down at my body. Sure, I wasn't built like an Avenger but I was alright.

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