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"Gemini, don't act like a child. Eat your food to save energy."

"Since when do you care this much, Phuwin?"

Again, you see, there was our stubborn Gemini. He insisted on staying hungry because Fourth didn't want to come to see him. Actually, he was coming, but they just didn't tell Gemini.

"Okay, i will get you something else then."

"Ugh fine."

Phuwin walked out of the room and just after him, a nurse entered the room with a big peony bouquet in her hands. Phuwin was curious, so he started to watch Gemini from afar to see his reaction.

"Oh my, is this for me?"

"Chai khub, a man came here and gave it to the reception khub. He insisted to keep him anonymous."

Gemini smiled as he took the flowers and thanked the nurse to get them for him.


i love the flowers
thank you

what flowers
ah shit|
how do you know|

fourth stop
i know you sent them
peonies are my favorites
but why didn't you gave them to me

i only sent them because joy insisted
since what happened to you
made me feel bad
nothing more

if you say so, p'fot

how can i resist this cuteness|
okay nong gem
if there's nothing else
i'm going now

where are you going fot
won't you come to see me

i don't know
i'll be back late so
i don't think i can
or i will

okay then
if you're thing is
important than me

nothing is important than you|
take care, gem

why don't you do it for me, fot?


Gemini kept adoring his flowers and he was on cloud nine. He couldn't stop smiling and staring at them. Fourth was actually so thoughtful, and it made Gemini feel much worse.

"Oh, dear boyfriend, we both know we will get back together soon.."

"Don't get too excited. I don't think I will let you to date him again."

Phuwin still was stubborn about his decision. He didn't want Gemini to date Fourth.

"Phuwin can you please stop? I'm not a child anymore. I can make my own decisions and choices in life. You can't poke your nose to my business."

"Gemini, you almost fucking died. How can I let you date him again?"

Gemini sighed. It was boring the fuck out of him. Staying without Fourth was already so stressful and bad, and now his friends were acting so strict.

Actually, it was only Phuwin. Gemini understood that he was worried, but he loved Fourth and he wasn't going to tell him go because of Phuwin's behavior.

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