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"If he was disrespectful and badmouthing, it is my fault that I couldn't raise him well. You can be sure I will punish him for that. But if he is dating a guy, he is doing nothing wrong."

Gemini stared at his dad in shock and happiness. He held Fourth's hands tighter, and to be honest Fourth was also happy about this.

"Sir, it's not very influential for the other students in this school."

"My school is a LGBT-friendly school, who are you to decide what is okay and what is not? Your duty is take care of the students, not poke your nose into their business."

Principal apologized sincerely and they left the room. Phuwin stepped in front of Gemini's dad and bowed down to show him respect.

"Thank you, Sir, we appreciate your kindness and help."

The others followed Phuwin's action and Gemini's dad warmly smiled.

"It's okay guys, now go to your class. Gemini, Nattawat, you guys are coming with me."

Fourth looked at Gemini and he looked kinda concerned. He thought Gemini will getting punished for dating him and kissing in school. They left the first corpus and in the third corpus there was Gemini's dad's room.

"Sit down, guys. Let's talk."

Fourth nodded and he sit down next to his boyfriend. Gemini knew his dad was a chill man but still he had no idea that he wasn't homophobic.

"How long have you been dating, Nattawat?"

Fourth gulped and he smiled to look more calm and relaxed.

"We have been dating for almost 5 months, Sir."

Gemini's dad was very friendly to him. They chatted for a while and then the topic came to the sensitive subject.

"I suppose you guys broke up for a few months, am I right?"

"How do you know, dad?"

"Come on, Gem, i'm your dad. I always know how you feel. I saw how you looked these months. You would visit me and mom often, but then you suddenly stopped doing it. So, what had happened, young gentlemen?"

Fourth held Gemini's hand, and reassured him that he can say whatever he wanted. It's not like Fourth wanted Gemini to have a fight with his dad. The situation was serious, but it was all over now.

"Actually, dad, my boyfriend is too kind for me to say this. I know he doesn't want me to tell you, he probably thinks that you will punish me. But I'm okay with it, dad. I deserve it. I will tell you the story, and you can tell me whatever you want.."

Gemini's dad became a little more serious now. He nodded and let Gemini start while Fourth and him were still holding hands. Fourth was worried, he was thinking about Gemini right now.

"Dad, remember the day when I came to visit you, and I was angry?"

His dad nods.

"That day, Fourth tripped and his drink spilled on my shirt. Him and I got into a fight and in the end, me and my friends decided to get revenge."

While his father was carefully listening, he also saw Fourth's sneaky hand strokes, and his concerned face.

"Dad, i made a mistake. I'm sorry if i disappoint you right now, but i want you to know. I made a bet about making Fourth fall inlove with me. But, I lost it, regretfully. Then one day.. Fourth learned about all of this. Him and I got into a huge fight. Then we broke up."

Gemini was in the edge of tearing up. Fourth caressed his face gently and looked and Gemini's dad as if he was asking for permission. His dad nodded, and Fourth kissed Gemini's cheek.

"I'm sorry, i know you must be disappointed with me. You didn't raise me like this, but it is just that.. my anger was so strong I couldn't stop it."

"I know, you guys are young. You want fun, you want adrenaline rush and love. I will not be saying that you guys are young to fall inlove, because i honestly think that is bullshit. You guys, especially you Fourth, from what i see, you're mature enough to be in a relationship. I'm disappointed in you Gemini, for not being thoughtful of your boyfriend's feelings. You should never be dismissive of others. But still, that doesn't mean that i am angry at all. The important thing is that, you guys understood each other's worth and now you're together. Please make sure to not hurt each other's feelings again."

Fourth and Gemini stared at each other's eyes. Their look was full of passion. It seemed very romantic. Fourth wiped Gemini's tears away.

"I will never, Sir, your son and his feelings are safe with me."

"If i hurt him again, you can punish me dad!"

They all laughed, and it was when Fourth realized that he never felt like this when he was with his own father.

"Fourth, from what I have heard, your relationship with your father is not that good. I'm not forcing you, but, you can call me dad from now on. I know, it will never feel like the biological way, but as long as you and my son are like this, you're a part of this family."

Fourth nodded and he bowed to show respect. Then Mr. Titicharoenrak excused himself and left the two there. Gemini pressed his forehead to Fourth's side and he started crying.

"I'm proud of you baby. You did so well. I'm so proud that you could express your feelings to your father."

"I love you, darling."

"I love you too, baby."

Fourth kissed his forehead and they left the room hand in hand, feelings relieved with letting go of the bad things that were happening right now.

Forever together.


Hiii!! Thank you all for supporting 💗 Please check my new one shot fanfic :) Love you all so dearly 🌓

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