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"Are you comfortable?"

I was sitting in the middle of Fourth's legs, while my head was buried to his neck. His hand was slowly caressing my shoulder. I murmured in response and i started to move my nose around his neck, inhaling and exhaling with his unreal scent.

"Of course, i am."

How could I not be comfortable when i was next to him? Was that even possible?

It was already midnight, Fourth, me and my friends were in the party. There were so many people from school and our classes too. Most of them were staring at me and Fourth, and whispering about us. I honestly didn't care about that.

"Why are we waiting? Let's do something."

Said Winny. He was next to Satang, Pond and Mark. Dunk and Phuwin were next to Fourth and Ford with Joong were a seat behind us. I couldn't help but to notice Joong's gaze on Dunk. I think we needed to talk about it soon.


I gulped at the voice i have heard, and I felt a strong arm hugging my waist tighter. I looked after Fourth, who was smiling at me.


"Come to my place. Let's sleep together."

I stayed with him a week ago, and that was the day when he told my friends i kissed him. I felt embarrassed because my friends mocked me all week for that. Who cares though? I want to keep kissing him. Forever.

"I will come. I missed sleeping with you."

I shivered because of the cold and he made me feel warm with kissing my lips. The whispers around became louder but we didn't stop kissing each other. I loved so much. He loved so much.

But, as soon as i get the chance, i was going to confess him the bet. I couldn't keep it inside anymore. It was eating me alive. I was seeing nightmares of Fourth leaving me, in the worst way possible. I thought i will explain it to him in a calm and better way to not make us go apart.

Just when our kiss was done, we heard First's boyfriend, Khaotung, hitting the door very loudly and scream.

"Guys! First said something went wrong with the video that school made! They are going to show us something else!"

"Finally, something fun!"

Ford squealed in excitement and ran to grab us some popcorn and drinks. I wasn't very excited. I hated that.

"I would like you all to come to the conference room. We have a fun movie to watch."

Said First. I hated the idea. But when I saw all my friends leaving, i had no choice to stand up. I stood up and offer my hand to my boyfriend, who looked breathtaking with his motherfucking blue hair. I will never stop talking about it.

He took my hand and i dragged him to the conference hall. Everyone was already there, chatting about the movie we were going to watch.

"I am going to sleep in your shoulder if it's boring."

"I love that. I bet it's boring anyway."


Me and my friends settled somewhere in the middle of the crowd, and decided to wait until the movie. The seats were much closer this time, so we were all in the same row. It was easy to communicate this time.

At the moment, First ran to the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Hello dear juniors and seniors! We were actually going to watch a boring presentation our school made, but my heart couldn't let you all to see that stupidity. So instead, we are going to watch a movie!"

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