Tea Time

520 25 13

[The previous chapters were heavily edited, so please go back and read them! They contain important plot information.]

"Sleep tight my dear.
The moon smiles down upon you.
Say goodbye to the day.
The baby smiles at the stars too.
Tomorrow will bring a brighter 'morrow.
So dream well my dear,
And sleep tight my child."


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Athanasios stood in a meadow of flowers. The wind caresses his cheek as if he were their child. In front of him was a slender figure in dancer robes, with long, golden blonde hair similar to his.


The woman turned around at the call of her title. Magenta eyes clashed with aqua.

"Mom!" Athanasios cried as he rushed towards Diana. The woman smiled gently at her child.

"I'm sorry son... but it's not your time yet."

A flutter of pink petals flew, eventually engulfing her figure.

"Mom, stop! Don't leave me!" Athanasios gave a heartwrenching cry at the sight of his mother's disappearance.

"Please... I need you..."


Today, Athanasios is in a great mood. He doesn't remember what happened yesterday, as everything was hazy. He recalled passing out, the sight of his father, and... his mother? No, that doesn't sound right.

Anyway, the reason for his great mood was because... Claude invited him for tea today! ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ

Words cannot describe the joy Athanasios is feeling. Claude is currently in a meeting, and Felix suggested waiting for him outside the hall. Athanasios, who wanted to meet his father as soon as possible, happily agreed.

Nearing the audience hall, Athanasios saw Felix standing guard.

"Your Highness!" He greeted. Athanasios happily greeted back.

"Good morning, Felix!"

"Good morning to you too, Your Highness. Did you sleep well?"

At the question, Athanasios thought back to yesterday, when he saw, *ahem*, Claude's bare chest. Redness started to bloom on his face from embarrassment.

"Yes! Father slept with me, so I was very happy."

Felix chuckled in delight. "I'm glad to hear that, Your Highness. Speaking of His Majesty, he should be done with the meeting soo—"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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