Black Magic

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Athanasios woke up with a jolt. He attempted to ease his heavy breathing as he observed his surroundings.

'The library again...'

The prince clenched his fists as he thought back on what happened earlier. 'A hand... came from the mirror...'

His fists were shaking, but he paid them no mind. The event from earlier kept replaying in his head. 'It's so scary...' The feeling of being grabbed felt so real, and the nausea that followed after was too. 'I want to puke...'

With that thought in mind, he wobbly walked towards the library doors, intending to head to the bathroom as quickly as he could without making the nausea worse.

'I should find Tohru...'

Speak of the dragon and she shall appear, for as Tohru instantly slammed the library doors after the thought.

"Your Highness!" She screeched after seeing Athanasios's pale-like state.

"Are you alright?! Don't die on me!!"

The scream seemed to attract the attention of the servants because they started to crowd around the library doors.

"What's going on?"
"I don't know, something's wrong with His Highness."

Promptly after, Felix came in hurried footsteps. "I heard the shout, once wrong?" He asked as he entered the library. He then let out a loud gasp at the sight of Athanasios's sick-like state.

"Your Highness!" He quickly turned to the nearest servant. "Quick, go and fetch the imperial doctor!"

The servant hurriedly agreed and ran away. Felix eased his footsteps as he neared Athanasios, taking into account the prince's current state. He feared that if he was any louder, he would make the prince's condition worse.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly as he knelt at Athanasios's level.

Athanasios raised his eyes to meet Felix's worried gaze. He clutched his shirt tightly, hoping that it would distract him from all the nausea.

"Felix... I don't feel so good..."

The concern on Felix's face never diminished. He raised his hand to check Athanasios's temperature but found no issues.

"No fever," Felix frowned. "Your Highness, let's wait here together with the imperial physician, alright?"

"I disagree!"

Athanasios flinched at the loud noise. Now, not only did he feel nausea, but he also felt an incoming headache.

"Lower your voice." Felix glared at Tohru after noticing Athanasios's reaction.

"Sorry," Tohru said in a meek whisper. "But I feel we should take him back to his chambers where he can rest in bed."

Felix sat on his knees before placing Athanasios in his lap. After making sure the prince was comfortable, he turned his attention back to Tohru. "That's not a good idea. The prince looks nauseous. The walk might make it worse."

Tohru felt it made sense, and decided on another solution. "Alright, then I shall go fetch his blanket."

Felix hummed in response as Tohru hurried away. He cast his worried gaze on Athanasios. The poor prince leaned into Felix's chest, focusing on the knight's warmth.

"It will be alright, Your Highness." Felix caressed the prince's hair after noticing his discomfort.

Soft footsteps sounded behind them. It was Tohru, who was back with the blanket. She was surprisingly quiet for once, wrapping Athanasios snuggly with the blanket. The prince gave a meek thanks in return.

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