Are You Worthy?

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Athanasios sat up with a jolt. He panted heavily, still taken back from what happened before.

"I'm... back?" He muttered to himself. He observed his surroundings and found himself at his usual reading nook. He glanced at the clock nearby on the wall.

'3 o'clock...'

With the amount of time he spent in the Queendom of Roses, there was no way only an hour passed. Meaning, time flows different in this world and the other. But at what measure?

"But first off, I need sleep," Athanasios yawned. Despite only an hour passing here, it didn't change the fact that he played for an entire afternoon. "Oh, but I should get going. I have etiquette class next..."


"Your Highness, it's morning!"

"Please tone it down Tohru," Athanasios groaned as he stuffed his head into his fluffy pillow. "It's too early for this..."

Tohru took notice of Athanasios's tired nature.

"Your Highness, are you alright? You look very tired."

"I want to sleep" was Athanasios's muffled response.

"But Your Highness..." Tohru looked at Athanasios's fatigued figure with worry. "His Majesty invited you for a boat ride today."

This caught the sleepy prince's attention. He perked up his head a little, just enough to see Tohru's worried face. "Father wants to see me?"

Tohru nodded with an energetic smile. "Yes, Your Highness!"

'Too bright...' Athanasios thought as he squinted his eyes.

"Fine," Athanasios nodded with a yawn. "I'll get ready, so go prepare breakfast."

"Yes Your Highness!"

Athanasios gave a sleepy glance towards Tohru's retreating figure and yawned.

He decided to hop of his bed and prepare for his day, until he felt an itching sensation on his wrist. There was a subtle mark from the vines yesterday.

Athanasios frowned as he scratched the area. "So itchy... I wish it'll disappear," he mumbled.

As if obeying his command, the mark actually faded before his eyes.

The prince's eyes widened in shock.

But then again, what can he do about it?

Athanasios let out another big yawn, tiredness still plaguing him. 'I'm still tired...'

So he drift his eyes toward his pillow.

... a five minute nap wouldn't hurt, right?


"Your Highness, Your Highness! You said you would get ready! It's been fifteen minutes!" Tohru whined as she shook Athanasios's sleeping figure.

"Tohru... stop," Athanasios muttered in his sleep. "You're giving me a headache."

Tohru pouted. "Your Highness, breakfast is already ready! Your Highness will be late to His Majesty's boat ride at this rate!"

This caused Athanasios to peek open an eye. "When will it be held?"

"Around one in the afternoon," Tohru answered.

"And what time is it now?"

"... eleven in the morning."

"Then it's perfectly fine," Athanasios stated as he went back to sleep. "Wake me up when it's lunch time."

Tohru could only sigh at Athanasios's stubborn state. Just what made him so tired? Did he not sleep well last night?

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