Boat Ride

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Disclaimer: This book's Athanasia is different from the manhua! She remembers nothing about her previous lives, because there's no such thing in this book. This will be her first life, so she will act differently! :)

The atmosphere was... suffocating.

Every adult at the scene knew what Claude was planning to do with his daughter. The only ones who didn't were the two children.

The said man, however, didn't bother with the worried glances that bore into his figure. Without saying anything, he picked up Athanasia by the collar of her dress, like a cat.

The princess was too shocked to say anything.

Without further ado, he plopped the princess onto the seat, not caring about the frightened look she has on her face.

Instead, he walked back to where Athanasios stood, and his face softened. He offered his hand, which Athanasios gladly took, and led his son to the boat, where he guided him to the seat.

After making sure the two children were safely seated, Claude too took a seat next to Athanasios. He then waved his hand, and the boat started to move by itself.

Two adults looked on in worry, and one was waving happily.


The atmosphere of the three royals was less tense as before. The only difference was that this time, it was the princess being stared at, not the emperor.

Claude rested one hand on his face, and the other on his lap. He stared at Athanasia in both curiosity and boredom.

"Are you not going to speak?" Claude said when Athanasia didn't utter a single word.

The icy tone caused Athanasia to jolt, removing her gaze from her lap.

"Athy can speak!"

"And here I thought you went mute," Claude hummed. "That reminds me... I kept those treasures of yours safe and sound, you can retrieve them later... if you can that is," he smirked at the last part.

This caused Athanasia to grip the hem of her dress tighter. "Thanks, papa!" She exclaimed in a force tone. It was obvious she was faking her enthusiasm, but neither Claude nor Athanasios commented on it.

Claude glanced at his son on his left. "What are you thinking about?" He asked when he saw Athanasios's blank state.

Claude's question caused Athanasios to blink out of his thoughts. He turned to look at his father, just to meet eye contact.

"Nothing, but your hair is really sparkling today, father," Athanasios smiled.

Claude was caught off guard in surprise. To be complimented by Athanasios was a rare thing for him. He smiled back. "I can say the same thing to you," he said as he patted Athanasios's hair.

Neither male caught sight of Athanasia's displeased expression.

Suddenly, a blue lotus caught her eye.

In the lake, there were special lotuses in the water. They mostly grew near the lily pass. They looked blue, but upon further inspection, the petals themselves are actually transparent.

'I want one.'

Little by little, Athanasia leaned closer to the edge, trying to grab a nearby lotus. She didn't notice how far she was leaning, but the males riding with her did. However, neither of them warned her.

Claude didn't because he was intrigued at what Athanasia would do, and Athanasios didn't because... well, he was conflicted. Athanasia took away his mother, so it should be fine for her to be punished a little, right? She should be able to swim after all... right?

Liberation (Twisted Wonderland x Male Oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt