Episode | 3

Depuis le début

Corporate chic, not too fussy, but not too plain.

Kaliope was hopping into her heels on her way to the door when she spoofed the ice cream on the coffee table. She grabbed it and slapped on the cover with the spoon inside. Container stowed in the freezer, she bolted for the door.

An hour later, Kaliope stared at the glass spire that was Sage Tower Consultancy. The luxurious high-rise building was a sight to behold. Its modern architecture featured sleek lines and curves, with windows of tinted glass that shimmered in the sunlight. The building stood tall and proud, dominating the skyline with its grandeur.

If this was a dream...

Let's not wake up.

Kaliope straightened her posture and strode towards the entrance with more confidence than she felt. She had thirty minutes to quell the butterflies in her stomach—or so she believed. Someone called out her name as she was about to sit in the grand lobby outfitted with comfortable seating and marble accents.

A slender woman wearing a black pencil leg black suit and a black tie approached her, her heels clicking on the tile. Her straight black hair curtained both sides of her face, her bangs covering her forehead. The woman smiled. Her light jade-gray eyes stood out in her slim, almost fox-like features.


She recognized the woman's voice from the phone call. So it wasn't a scam.

Kaliope fought to maintain her composure and silence the churning storm of jitters in her stomach. "Yes. I'm a bit early."

"The boss says when you're early, you're on time. When you're on time, you're late. And when you're late, you're fired." She held out a hand, and Kaliope accepted it. "I'm Inola Nerard. Come with me, please."

It was unlike Kaliope being this flustered. Then again, Baylor and Company was a hot dog stand compared to Sage Tower.

Damn it. If Larry released that video, it wouldn't take long to circulate.

The PR world is smaller than you think.

Hopefully, not too small. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. Kaliope wanted to strangle herself for making such a scene. Now it would hang over her head for the rest of her career.

"Something the matter?"

They were standing at a bank of elevators, Inola at her side. The woman stood a few inches taller than Kaliope in her heels. Kaliope forced a smile.

"Your call was unexpected."

"You were unexpected." Mirth lit Inola's eyes. They seemed greener than they'd been before.


The elevator dinged and expelled its passengers before the two boarded. Inola clicked the button for the fourteenth floor.

"May I ask exactly how you found out about me?"


"Recommendation?" That didn't make any sense. Not one of her past employers would recommend her for a job at Sage Tower. She was that psycho who stood in the middle of the bridge and burned it, herself, and everyone else. It was a habit she'd do well to shake. No possible source for a recommendation crossed her mind.

They reached the fourteenth floor and disembarked. Inola led them to a board room. "Please, have a seat. The boss will be here shortly."

"The boss?"

"The CEO. Ronin McIntyre."

The chair slipped from Kaliope, and Inola caught it. Held it out for Kaliope to sit. The CEO? Why would the CEO of Sage Tower be conducting her interview? The man's reputation and name garnered more recognition than his face. The memory was lost somewhere in her mind if she'd ever seen a picture of him.

Ronin McIntyre. Everyone who spoke about him did so with reverence, envy, and a touch of fearful awe. Meeting a man like him was a tremendous deal.

Breathe, Kaliope.

Kaliope flinched when Inola placed a glass of water in front of her. She sipped it.

"Don't worry. He won't bite," was Inola's consolation moments before the door opened.

And the man who filled the doorway...He looked like he'd aim for the throat.


Ronin's reputation proceeds him, but how will things pan out when he meets Kaliope? 

To read the entire first season, along with Seasons 2 and 3, join me on Ream. The link's in my bio on the home page. Hope to see you there.

Love and Other Crisis | Season 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant