Chapter. 6 "patching up"

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Luz pov:

We arrived at Vees apartment and Amity walked in like she has a million times before.

It was really pretty! It was so sleek and naturey!!

I looked around in awe as Amity started talking to Vee admiring all the little flowers and paintings. Until Amity chirped in


I snap out of my trance and and slowly turned to face Amity
"Hm? Yes?"

"Try not to get blood on Vees things please"
Amity said half jokingly
I chuckle out of nervousness scratching my head reflexively. I didn't even know I did that but I'm aware of it now!

"No no no it's fine I was gonna clean anyways!" Vee chimed in

This place is speckless I don't know how you're going to clean this place.

"Uhhmmm sorryyyy!!"
I quickly add
I don't want to seem rude! That's just rude!!

Vee sat me down in the living room and starts plastering my hands with a bandaidroll. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for how calm Vee was and how she was doing everything so precisely. Like tearing the bandaidroll in a perfect line is difficult.

Vee did seem to notice my concern even though it wasn't quite concern more shock then anything.

"Don't worry Amity used to come to my place all the time! That silly tomato doesn't have the heart to go to the hospital sometimes"
Vee chuckled

"Wwwhhhhaaaaaattt?! Amittyyy!!"
I yelled sarcastically

I pointed my view to the corner of the room where Amity was sitting on a chair casually.

"I- Well- the hospital is puny okay??"
Amity yelled back

I hit her back with a perfect metaphor-
"Puny? Seems like this sweet lollipop has a hidden soft gum center" maybe not

"Looks like THIS lollipop lover has ever think about THAT LUZ??" Amity aggressively pointed at me. It was definitely a joke but I didn't get it.

I questioned in my signature noise

Vee helped me out by clarifying
"It's a darkweb joke!"

"Ohhh so you're going to steal/sell my tongue are you Amatyy? TRY TO CATCH ME!! GGRRRHHH!!"
I growled at her like I was angry but I really wasn't


Amity stands up from his seat and starts slowly walking towards me.

"...wait NOT RIGHT NOW!! I'M TIED TO VEE!!!! Unfair! DNF!"
I squirmed around jokingly but I WAS STILL PANICKING

"You said "try to catch me" so I will!"
Amity said smugly
Amity plops down next to me on the couch and looks at me

"Let me see that tongue"
Amity said in an almost seductive tone

I held my mouth closed

"Okay your eyeballs are fine too"
Amity worded

She then chukled at my attempt to say words with my mouth closed. Twa's a futile attempt!

Amity then placed her hands on my cheeks...

Then moved one down on my lips...

I definitely went red in that moment and my jaw went limp...

Amity opened my mouth slightly and teased

"That's a 7k-er right there."

Amity then stopped for a second as if a bolt of lightning went through her

She went completely red. I could see the anxiety set in from her eyes. She quickly took her hands off me and we sat in silence for a good minute both blushing hard until Masha chimed in with a

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the GOSHDANG DOOR??? Nah I'm kiddingggggggggg how's it going Luz? I haven't properly met you yet."

"O- oh y- y- yes- yes!"

I cleared my throat in hopes that I could say words after that and thankfully all went well!

"I L- luz an- and u- uhm"


"Oh awesome! I'm Masha AKA Vees girlfriend nice to meet you Luz!" Masha cheerfully announced

"Uhhhh uh huh"

Masha 100% noticed what was going on and brought us some tea to calm down.

Eventually we both calmed down and started actually talking with eachother! Oblivious to our random little incident.

Masha is really cool! Way more outgoing then me and pretty smart too. We ended up talking about the 30 year wars and I learned a lot about history and also about disney princesses. Masha does not look like she enjoys disney but I dunno guess she does.


Later on I decided to walk home rather then by car with Amity for...personal reasons. Amity didn't seem to mind though so it's probably fine.

Anyhow the city outside was absolutely jaw dropping. I tend to underrate this city but at night it's beautiful. The city lights, the street lamps, lit rooms. It's all reminds me of that one song City Lights by Amity Blight.

I looked down at my hands. I feel horrible for not thanking Amity. I thanked Vee! But not...Amity. I pulled out my phone to text or call Amity. I really wanted to thank her she's just so nice and amazing I feel obligated to.

But when I opened my texts with Amity I saw a huge and I mean GIANT paragraph but before I could read it she deleted it. The texts jumped back to their normal state as I was left in confusion. The words I saw before she deleted the text was "Hello Luz, I've been thinking-" and that was that.

Luz: "Hey Amity!! I forgot to thank you for all of this. I knnooowww you're the type of person to say "You don't have to thank me" and such BUT STILLLLLLL!!! THANK YOU LOADS AMITYYY!!!"

It was cringy sure but it's what I would've said irl so I'm okay with it.

Word count: 961
I'm going to start making shorter chapters cuz it's easier for me to write and for you to read ssooooo yeah!!

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