Chapter. 4 "Connecting"

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Gus started taking everything down as Amity and Luz sat down near the stage so Amity can give Luz some new bandaids.

"I don't know if I drank some milk or something but my stomach is definitely going NUTS"
Luz revealed but that didn't seem to bother Amity that much who simply chuckled and reassured Luz

"It's okay happens all the time. Still not quite used to the feeling though even though I should be used to this by now."
Amity took out a cyan box out of her bag that was very neatly organized with her guitar picks having a different pocket and all her makeup in different pouches.

"Can you clarify that?"
Luz mumbled out as Amity gestured something to Luz.

"Gimme your arm"
Amity spoke with that now familiar soft and relaxing tone and Luz stretched her arm out to her.

Luz's hand now rested now in Amity's hand which was covered by fishnets gloves. Luz flinched a bit and felt very very weird but that worry and excitement faded away by Amity's gorgeous face and calm voice.

" always get really nervous around me and anxious but *chuckle* I am just a regular girl you know? That being said I did get very sweaty around Jay uhh Jay Clayton! He's one of the guys behind Crywank and they're like a big inspiration for me so yeah I get it but I don't...does that make sense? I dunno I'm just rambling now"
Amity explained while taking off Luz's bandaids on her left hand.

Luz was struggling to pay attention to Amity during this as she was terrified at physical touch even though it is her love language. Luz squeezed her right hand in her lap till her knuckles turned white. Amity seemed to notice this and she finished reapplying Luz's plasters before asking a question.

"Are you okay Luz? You seem to be well scared."
Amity tried her best not to assume anything even though she sort of did.

"Oh no no it's okay it's just a bit scary."
Luz explained awkwardly.
Luz looked at Amity and then quickly diverted her gaze to her knees.

"What's so scary?"
Amity asked with curiosity in her voice.

"I-... I'm not sure"
Luz rubbed her neck as a very thoughtful Amity analysed her very carefully before returning to her previous position of holding Luz's hand.

"It's okay I'm not going to do anything to you. If you really are scared of me I can just give you the box and stuff"
Amity comforted Luz

Luz flicked her hand back before slowly and gently placing it in Amity's hands who seemed to be very happy with this.

Luz blushed a bit at this but Amity was too busy with her hands to notice.
Luz swallowed hard and then explained.

"When you admire someone as much as I do you it's hard not to overthink these types of situations. I never thought I'd have the chance to even talk to you but here I am."

Amity seemed to take a second to think about what she was going to say.
"It's weird isn't it? I mean the nervousness thing because we are just normal people who just got lucky. Very irrational of us don't cha think?"

"Now that you mention it"
Luz switched hands
"It is very irrational...but uhm you did kinda save me well twice now."
Amity seemed to be very interested in this nodded in response so Luz could keep talking.

"When I was like in the darkest pit ever I found you and...I don't know I haven't had a suicidal thought since then"
Amity stopped for a second to take that in with an oddly bland expression.

"And the second time was today actually"
Luz added while pointing her index finger down.

Amity was taken aback

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