Valentine's 878/ Craig Vishop

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It's valentines
Oh boy can't be alone gotta waste his money on premium dines
Just to get his dick wet
Make her believe he's the one and its all set
Then he goes home to his daddy and his mummy
Leaving her with an upset, tangled insecure aftertaste in her tummy
No guilt, no remorse oh no shame
He wants the fame
Only here to play the game
Girls want the love and forever and he pretends he gives a fuck
Really she's just another duck...
He gonna feed
Leave on read
With nothing more to say
Oh he go ghost
It's valentines day and he found another host
Then she's gonna be blown off for his easter bunny
He thinks it's funny
These are people's daughters
People's nieces, cousins, sisters and granddaughters
Oh honey don't cry
You even try
If he can't commit to you
Just tell him my energy is mine and I'm through
No more lies, no more games I am more than what you think
If you blink
I'll be gone It's something that we do
I'm strong, passionate and true
So don't bring Mr Blue
You don't got a clue
So some bitch screw you up before
Now it's all women are the issue you go from door to door
Trying to find you and you're lost
Nobody compares to anybody each of us is unique and at what cost
To forget her and move on
Before all women run away from you
Then truly you'll go pick one who stands out and she ain't available no more because she got sick of waiting for you to stop being untrue
Truth is bitter as a cuppa with no sugar so drink it all up
You just find week after week your life is just an empty cup

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