author878 and Sarah obaid

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Do you know what it feels like to be in someone's shoes
Only one fantasy shoe changed the ending
Only if you walk away from what you thought was your fairytale that wasn't
You're an outcast by some
A traitor by many
They view you as low
Only the prophet mohammed s.a.w viewed these women on a pedestal
So much so that he even married one
A sunnah disliked by many people
All because of fear of judgement
Only they see a female, she is good, pious, hardworking and loyal and just viewed as beneath the radar
They spend years in solitude and accused of sleeping around like they aren't able to guard their chastity or remain loyal to Allah
So they're left hanging on a piece of thread like they're completely worthless of being a mother or a wife
So they dedicate their life to perfecting wudu, salah, kushoo, voluntary salah, fasts, and do tasbih....
They dedicate their time to helping the ummah and being kind
Still they're not good enough
Yet they still love Allah, believing in His plan even if the world turns it's backs on them
They know they have Allah!

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