coin ways (author878

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Written at 15 years old

Coin ways

I stop and stare...
The ripples of people whispering and throwing their wishes and deepest Chimeras.
I glared at the coins sinking down like a magnet pulling my heart.
I wonder if i make a wish?
Will it come true?
Will a miracle blow into existence with the wind and will you come sweep me away...
I can see what it does, i can feel it, but i can't actually see it...
It's only wind and if the direction is wrong it may mean I don't get you, but it's worth a risk.
I stop and wait and say my wish in my heart...
I throw it into the air i see it in slow mo...
Turning around and around and spinning through the wind going round and round.
I see it slowly sinking...
I blink my eyes and before i know it.
I found you here in my heart, grabbing my waist tight and taking me away to places I ain't ever seen.
Milan, Rome, The Plaza and all my childhood dreams.
Even Gaza and hawaii...
I'm not alone ever again, you're my drug, my rubicon and painkiller.
You're the only one that cares for me because your smile it makes me melt into an oblivion.
The only one I trust and I'll let you hold me and kiss me in the moonlight.
The only one I can understand that understands me too and thinks I'm amazing just like I think you are too.
The only one who never lets me feel a thing so bad and if I'm in pain you find a way to wipe my tears and make me laugh quickly.
You're everywhere to me when I'm alone you touch me before i open my eyes.
When i dream it's always you i can see.
I want you to know i treasure you in my heart forever.

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