Now and Forever (Epilogue)

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"Annabeth, about what happened down there? I- I didn't mean to. I never knew that it would change me. If I knew I never would have... I don't want to leave you-"

She cut off her boyfriend with a simple "I know."

Just as he could tell what she was thinking, she could see the worry, fear and love in his face.

"What's going to happen now?" He asked.

"I don't know." She admitted. "But whatever it is, we'll do it together.

Annabeth looked into his eyes, noticing the doubt and worry within them. He didn't know whether or not they would be able to do whatever's next together, now that he was...

He glanced up, meeting her gaze. His sea green eyes, now flecked with specks of gold, were so much brighter than humanly possible.

His expression hardened, forcing any doubt away. Her boyfriend smiled, flashing impossibly white, almost pointed teeth.

"Always." He responded.

She smiled back, tracing a finger down his cheek. She would never leave my wonderful, loyal, brave, and although she'd never admit it, very good-looking boyfriend. No matter what obstacles were thrown their way, they would face them with each other.

Now and forever. 

Well, I suppose that's it! I hope you guys liked this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it (If not then why are you reading? I respect it if you dislike my work, but I don't want hate. Constructive criticism is welcome though!) 

Just a bit of shameless self promo here, but I'd love it if you checked out my other work, I'll See You Again When I Escape. It's another somewhat-dark Percy fic in an AU where he fell into Tartarus without Annabeth.

Thanks for everyone who took the time out of their day to read my crappy story. If you liked it, please drop a comment, vote or follow! <3


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