The Blood of Olympus

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Even in the midst of the fight, Jason didn't, couldn't fail to notice that out of all the demigods fighting alongside the gods, Percy was the only one that looked truly godlike himself.

Him, and a bearded man Jason assumed to be Poseidon, stood side to side, driving Otis and Ephialtes closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

The two moved in unison, the demigod easily matching his father in battle prowess. Percy shouted in defiance, slamming his hands on the ground.

The entire Parthenon shook with the force of the earthquake that followed, knocking monsters, giants, demigods and even some gods off their feet as easily as if they were pebbles.

In that moment, Jason could have sworn that Percy's eyes glowed.


Porphyrion laughed. 'You demigods have learned nothing. We need only one more thing from you to make our victory complete.

The giant king smiled expectantly. He seemed to be looking at Percy Jackson.

Piper glanced over. Percy's nose was still bleeding. About to shout out a warning, her voice suddenly failed her. Staring wide eyed at the blood trickling down his chin, she was speechless. Then again, could she really call it blood if it was a rich gold colour, thick and beautiful, instead of the red it should have been?

Percy Jackson wasn't mortal. He was a god, and Piper suspected he may have been for a while. After Tartarus... he hasn't been the same.

A single drop of blood- no , Ichor, fell from his chin. It hit the ground between his feet and sizzled like water on a frying pan.

The blood of Olympus watered the ancient stones.

The Acropolis groaned and shifted as the Earth Mother woke.


Gaea never expected to be defeated by demigods. Yes, there was the whole Prophecy of Seven thing, but she assumed that they would have help from the gods. 

However, that wasn't the case, although that Son of Poseidon had seemed awfully god-like, he wasn't a god. At least not yet.

The primordial of the earth had been shocked- no, not shocked, astounded, when the Child of Jupiter and the Fire User had managed to get her off the ground, and even more stunned that the Roman Brat managed to keep them aloft with the storm. 

Maybe she shouldn't have been surprised when she noticed that he wasn't the full cause of the storm in the first place. 

He had started it, but someone else was guiding it, making it stronger than he ever could.

She didn't... couldn't, know who it was. Not until it was too late.

The Aphrodite's girl's voice weakened her, but it certainly didn't defeat her. No, she was too powerful to fall asleep just because a little demigod told her to. 

No. It was the boy that caused her fall.

Then again, could she call him 'boy' anymore, when he was so much more than that? He certainly wasn't mortal, but he didn't seem to be a god either. No. 

In fact, the Ichor that ran through his veins bore the most resemblance to her own.

No, this boy wasn't a mortal or a god. He wasn't quite a primordial either. 

Perseus Jackson was something else, something new.

Something powerful. 

Hence, the last thing Gaea felt before she faded was a tug in her gut as she felt her whole body tremble with the power of the earthshaker, the Ichor in her body dissipate into thin air.

The last thing she saw as she glanced to the ground was a young boy that wasn't really a boy, monsters around him decimated, surrounded by golden dust and red blood. 

Bright eyes, glowing with power, more power than should have been possible in such a weak mortal body. Sea green eyes boring into her own, know that she was gone. That he had killed her. 

Then, she was gone.

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