out of their minds

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(  also this chapter is going leave some questions that I won't answer in this book. instead, you're going to have to head over to my other books to figure out the answers.)

red woke up in the morning he decided to work on figuring out how he was going to turn everyone back to human again. he ben recently avoided that because he'd been afraid of losing grey. that's why when he woke up he stared at Grey with a sad look in his eyes. but he knew he had to do it. he was about to grab his lab coat and his stuff intill Purple had a conversation with red

purple: hey red how was your date?

red: it was great. 

purple: did you ask Grey to become your girlfriend

red: no. i don't think it was a great time to ask her.

purple: why don't you ask her when she wakes up

red: that's a good idea.

purple got out vent to wake up Grey 

Red: what are you doing?!  don't wake her up!!!!!!

purple: im sorry boss.  I thought you told me to do it now.

red:  of course not!! don't you see im busy trying to figure out the formula to make everyone human?!

purple looked at the potions. purple took advantage of Red getting angry for him being noisy.  basically, he infected red with the same substance that black infected him.

 red tried to get the substance out of him but he couldn't no matter what he did his body was still getting covered with a black substance. intill red body was fully covered with a dark color.  that was bad because now he was in control of black. red grabbed a potion and mixed it with an explosive so it would make sense why his color was different. grey heard that and woke up since it was hurting her ears.

grey: oh sorry did I sleep here? ima going to work so things don't get awkward.

red: yes you did my love. no stay here I want to do some new things with you.

( red is being sus.)

grey: red you know we're not dating right.? Anyway I think you drank a transformative potion again because you're acting strange. ima get brown so she can take care of you since I have work to do.

red revealed his neck. black forced him to grab her.

grey:  what are you doing why are you acting so possessive?!

red mumbled:  forgive me....im truly sorry..... 

 red was about to do a jumpscare intill brown stepped into his lab.


brown was holding purple neck. basically choking him.

  red let go of grey..  grey fell. red quickly grabbed Grey's tail and bit Grey's tail basically infecting Grey's body.

 brown told her to fight it don't let him control you!!!!!!!!

 grey tried to fight it and she successfully got the infection out of her body.

 grey was pretty tired. brown immediately attacked Red. She tries to knock out Red so she can escape peacefully with Grey.

grey yelled: DONT HURT HIM.

brown: he's a monster now let him go.

grey: I know he's still in there. please brown 

brown finally agreed.

 grey tried to convince Red to fight it.  red almost came back to normal but black was way too powerful.  grey thought red finally came back to normal. that's why she placed her hand into red. but black forced red to bite hard into Grey's arm.

brown ran because it was basically useless trying to get Grey to come with her to turn everyone back to normal. she ran into the same old dark room where Red used her.. she was pretty tired but she hid because she was tired of the running. she heard Blue's footsteps. She went outside to check if Blue was infected. luckily he wasn't but Blue was pretty confused as to why everyone was playing hide and seek. brown grabbed his arm and brought her to the dark room.  blue was panicking because he thought brown was going to do something. brown teased him by flirting with him.  

* brown POV*   it was a perfect opportunity to tease him. so i did but after that, i explained what was going on. blue thought it was a joke. but I stared at him seriously. blue sighed and believed me. Then Blue asked why didn't i  try to control all the infected people. that got me thinking. but I never could have successfully controlled multiple people at the same time and plus it's risky because I could die because of it. i took that risk. i went outside and yelled

   HEY IDIOTS COME OVER HERE  I BET  YOU CAN'T CATCH ME. I  felt nervous but Blue gave me a thumbs up i felt someone was staring at me.  I scanned if someone was nearby. all I heard was" We all want you dead. so be prepared for the amazing and the final of this performance!!!!!" after I heard Grey say that I heard a glass shatter. I bet that was red. then I heard someone in the vents perfect now this is my best opportunity. I just need them all where I can see them i screamed " ARE YOU ALL GOING FIGHT OR WHAT IM WAITING~" They all tried to do an ambush. but I eventually got all of them forcing blacks to get out of their body then I controlled blacks' bodies. eventually, everyone came back to normal but the job wasn't done I needed to dispose of this guy so he wouldn't come back. i used his claws so he became weak but it also injured me. I eventually got out of his body but it became an intense battle. but I eventually won and I finally killed him. For some reason, I didn't feel too great. blue carried me and pulled me into a hug. blue yelled, " I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!!!!" for some reason I blushed as he told me that. my body was literally melting. blue looked at me worriedly. i guess this is the end right? i saw blue cry i also cried with his and i hugged him. until my body was in liquid form..


*  AUTHOR POV*   red and grey comforted him for a while and they eventually left. to distract Blue from the tragic situation.  after the distraction blue was pretty depressed.  he came everyday to see if brown. until one day. 


( wait until the next chapter..... comes out)

red x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora