QUOTE FROM GREY not a date.

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 (the song fits very well with this chapter.)

( yes I did the quotation marks on purpose and keep reading too see why. finally I will add some shipping hopefully I won't ruin this chapter but I will try not writing it cringy.)

* GREY POV*  today was pretty difficult today I kept hearing voices.  someone was controlling my body this whole day. I tried to get my body back but this person kept telling me " you're just a big idiot don't help trying.." this person kept on killing people. after she was done she let me control my body again. I was relieved that im back. but for some reason I was tired... I guess red noticed how exhausted I ben. after my shift was over.*

* RED POV* everyone kept telling me that someone is stealing the kills from this place. I wonder who it is. I suspect it was brown but didn't I take her down last week? its impossible for brown to come back. but when I went outside I saw grey was tired. I decided to give her break.so I invited her to come with me. I really wanted her to be happy. so I took her to the project that was almost done. when she saw the big project I swore I saw stars in her eyes. I believe that made her happy. I asked her were she wanted me to take her. she told me she wanted to take her to the ferris wheel. I wondered why because normally people wanted to the rollercoasters first. but I didn't  tell her anything. I just agreed and took her to the ferris wheel.*


 i sat down in the chair and I gazed in the window as I saw  a buetifiull view of the sky. I always loved the ferris wheel. even though I used to be afraid of heights. but when im here in the ferris wheel all that fear goes away it's like every one my problems goes away. with something simple like this. red asked me what did I think so far of the park I replied that I love it. I love how colorful this place is. red revealed to me that he ben working on this park for many months and how I am the only person who'm he told about this project I thought it was sweet of him. for telling me this for some reason I couldn't help but smile. I haven't smiled for real  in a long time.. red was starting at me back. I blushed as he kept staring at me. I was about to say something infill. she  took control of me.

( yes brown will be flirting with red because she has the opposite personality.)

* BROWN POV* I wanted red to notice me for once just like he used to when he created me. so I decided to take control of grey's body. I complimented red  saying " you know you look cute when you tell me something cheesy like that~"  I was disappointed when he left the ride quickly. but I think it's working! soon red will know we were meant to be! and he should replace grey with me so I can continue being in this body. being the best out of everyone in this place he would have no choice but to pick me as his favorite! I can't wait hopefully grey doesn't mess this up. red eventually asked me  if I wanted to go on a diffident ride. I told him in response " yes I want to go on the rollercoaster." red was looking at me confused.but he just shrugged. we went to the rollercoaster I decided to let grey in control so red wouldn't suspect that grey's eyes had changed.*

*  BACK TO GREY'S POV*  whats going on and why did flirt with red?! oh my god. are WE IN ROLLERCOASTER?! I panicked as we went really high on the ride. I screamed and I didn't  noticed I  wrapped my arms around him when the rollercoaster ended red commented on my behavior and how I ben acting strange this whole day. I told him that he shouldn't worry about it. red didn't seem to budge..  for some reason that person that I was talking about made me speak." red I know this whole day ben weird but I just wanted to hang out with you that's why I ben pretending to be tired this whole day!" red glanced at me in suspicion then he blurted out" your eyes are brown you aren't grey aren't you.? Didn't  I take you down last time we met.?"*

* RED POV* I know now why grey has ben acting weird this whole day. its because brown has ben controlling her this whole time and now I know why because I saw the other day grey has ben talking to orange normally they would enemy's but this time they acted like they ben best friends. and now that grey has ben hanging out with me she's ben behaving in a split personality. brown just looked at me with anger in her eyes and then she coughed " well whatever you did made me take over grey's body for a short period of time. and I don't regret ever killing anyone. you should of made me take over grays body and take over her body forever."  I was shocked at what she told me. I never expected her to behave like this. I  just explained to her why I stopped the process of you taking over her body forever.."  brown just snapped and  ran away and hid somewhere I tried to chase her and to stop her but it was no use because brown it's to fast UGH WHY DID I AHD TO CREATE SOMETHING VERY FAST!? I tried thinking fast before she could cause some trouble. I went to my office and called my new mascots I commanded them to stop  a brown cat from causing trouble surprisingly they obeyed.*

* ??? POV* I  tried searching for brown in the whole park I eventually  found her. she was trying to destroy the old rainbow friends play place. by attacking my new friends and also destroying the decorations of this place. before I could stop her I noticed that omg orange..?! I heard a giggle. I looked around if someone was there but there was nobody but I smelt something familiar. then brown attacked me from above  basicly knocking me to the ground thank god I don't have arms because or else my arms would had ben broken but I managed to stand up and try to fight her. I tried biteing her arm but she just giggled evily and she grabbed my chest and threw me into the wall basicly knocking me out.*

* BLUE POV*  I heard a loud sound I was really scared because all of my friends  are knocked out and I was afraid I would be next but I also wanted stop it from causing more damage. I decided to try stopping it but then I heard someone was crying. I ran were the noise was coming from and I was surprised to see grey crying. I tried to hug her  but she pushed me away. I tried to contact my boss and he rushed to see grey. i really wanted to sing that one song that humans sing when people have a crush on each other but it wasn't the right moment. so I stayed back and I tried to check if whoever  was trying to attack my friends so I can stop her or him.*

* RED POV* when I saw grey crying grey tried to push me away but I advised her that its alright if she cries and I won't push her to tell me anything I just wanted to help her. grey hugged me. I blushed  as nobody had ever ben this close to me or ever done something like this before. I just rubbed her head because I didn't know how to react to this type of circumstances.. I heard her mumble " im a monster red why are you trying to helping me to feel better.?" I told her in a soft tone " cause im your friend why else would I be doing this? also your not a monster brown is."  grey was flabbergasted because she didn't  expect me to hear her..  I saw grey eyes were turning brown I quickly backed away from brown. I picked up a potion just incase if she wanted to attack me. but one of lydia's eyes turned grey.  brown yelled " WHAT ARE YOU DOING LETME GET HIM!" grey replied " I won't let you hurt anyone else! YOU HAVE CAUSED WAY TO MUCH DAMAGE I WONT LET YOU HURT EM."  grey eventually  took control. I hugged her. grey whispers thank you for  helping me. don't worry though I don't think brown would be taking control of me at least not now. I was proud of her.but I heard the door open. both me and grey looked at who opened the door and we saw blue and cyan. blue sang " GREY AND RED SITTING IN A TREE-" I covered blue mouth I was embarrassed  because that not what we were doing.*

* CYAN POV*  I turned to grey and I teased her " grey hopefully I didnt ruin your moment to ask him out"  grey blushed  and she stuttered " i-i wasn't going ask him out in a date plus were just friends that were simply hanging out." I teased her a bit more " well sorry for interrupting your date~ " grey muttered " its not date cyan!!!" I rolled my eyes I knew they were both having a romantic moment. they just wanted to ruin the fun. I heard someone was calling grey I wondered what was that about and spyed on grey I couldn't  help overheard the conversation

" im sorry for not helping you earlier. with orange and with everything else. I just I was afraid that you hated me for forcing you to stay here."

" no its fine red you had your reasons."

 I tried walking away so they wouldn't spotted me. I quickly ran to the theater to tell my friends about what I heard. everyone else was in the same page with me that red and grey had a crush on each other. I also revealed them that orange died. none of us was sad that orange died. after all he was a bully to all of us and plus he was a pain in the but when he was in his shift. 

( thanks for reading this long chapter hopefully you like it. give a comment because I worked hard into making this story. and I would appreciate if you give a comment in my story)

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