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Now that Akaza and I left the sparring hall, we are now on our way to our next class. Excellent.

After our Sparring Exercises class is Pyrokinesis Training class. Every Friday is just training and sparring, so I kind of understand Akaza's complaints. That sort of thing will pretty much drain you, even if you get used to such a routine.

So across the numerous halls we went and arrived in the Pyrokinesis Training classroom. Bronze was there, too, in the front row. Akaza and I sat next to him as well. Though, this classroom is different from most in our school. Instead of the large room and those several typical rows of typical high school seats and desks, it's a room nearly as large as our sparring hall. You could compare it to a stadium of sorts, since that's basically how our Pyrokinesis Training classroom looks. A really small one compared to those big stadiums, though.

Moving on, there in the front behind the teacher's desk was our Professor for this class, also known as none other than Professor Leroux. She's practically identical to Aurora, though obviously she's older. Her red hair is long and straight, and her eyes are that of a sunshine yellow rather than Aurora's monochromatic eyes.

"Hello, students," sighed out the Professor. "Today will be the same as usual. Training, and improving, our Pyrokinesis. Some of you might even find new ways to adapt and use it."

Oh yeah.. the two are both straight to the point.

"Before we move on to the real training, we shall discuss the ways you students have used your Pyrokinesis in combat in the past week," said Professor Leroux. Then, she called out a student. "Lillian Xiao. The last time you've had this class, you were complaining to me about being unable to use your Cremation Pyrokinesis without hurting your sparring partner with second to third degree burns. Any progress?"

Lillian Xiao. I've seen her a few times, I thought as the girl in question groaned audibly. She sits a few rows behind me, so I can't see how she looks from here, but as far as I remember she has blonde hair in a wolf cut accentuated by her deep violet eyes. "Barely, Professor Leroux," she then said in self-disdain, "The most that a sparring partner of mine will get is mostly first or second degree burns, though I can't really say for sure since nobody wants to spar with me anymore. I can't blame them."

"No matter how small, progress is still progress in itself." Aurora Leroux said, as a form of motivation. Then she stared at Bronze, "And you. How about your Ignition Pyrokinesis?"

Bronze sounded a lot more prideful or happy than Lillian when he started speaking. "It's going great! I was able to use it for longer periods than the last time," said Bronze. "Specifically, for about as long as an entire spar." He grinned at the end as if three minutes or longer was anything to be proud of... I mean, it is. I probably sound terrible right now. I shook my head. "Improvement is noticeable," Professor Leroux said. She nodded and Bronze's smile was so wide it practically shined on us, to which I winced and shoved him lightly via my elbow. He winced too. I laughed quietly and he snorted.

"As for you, Shirou," Professor Leroux suddenly started, "your appearance on the news was unexpected. Though the way you used your Frost Flames Pyrokinesis was quite smart."

"Why does everyone keep bringing up our appearance on the news?" Akaza groaned. I patted him on the shoulder as if out of pity. Then I actually responded to the Professor, "Thank you, Professor. I have to admit it was tough being without my sword," I sighed then. "Well, then that fight of yours was another example of adapting and overcoming a specific situation." Said Professor Leroux.

"Now, onto the training of your Pyrokinesis. As per the usual, sparring here will only include usage of your Pyrokinesis technique, no weapons. Not even your fists, unless your Pyrokinesis affects it. And etcetera. Two students, come in front, please." At her call, only one student stood up. Well, I heard them stand up, anyway. Some random guy I haven't really seen around that much, probably since he transferred here in the middle of the year. Since no other student stood up, I figured I would as well. This'll be good practice, anyway.

"Shirou Sakai with Frost Flames Pyrokinesis, and Julien Dubois with Subzero Cryokinesis. Very well." Accepted our Professor.

Then I actually got a decent look at Julien, as we made our way down to the wide area in this miniature stadium or whatever. Black hair and cold blue eyes. By the name of his Cryokinesis technique, which is a rare sub-technique of Pyrokinesis, it's going to be quite cold.. not pun intended, of course. I sighed as I nodded at him and he nodded back. We're both ready. I'm on the left side, and he's on the right. I then took a fighting stance with my right fist raised, surrounded by my frost flames. He took a similar pose in front of me though he did not do anything with his ice for his fists. I should be careful now.

Next thing I knew, he stomped on the floor with so much might through his right foot and ice came rushing towards me from the floor. I decided to punch the ground with both of my fists and, instead of using the frost part of my flames, I used the flames themselves. I decided to melt the ice away with my flames as the two elements collided. For a while, the two of us were in a struggle, combating each other with ice and flame. Eventually I decided to finish off his ice by slamming my fists on the ground three times in a row and it retreated. Honestly, it was a bit ridiculous. At least the crowd is entertained, I think as I hear various students cheering.

Then suddenly he lifted his left hand and swung it down harshly, flicking shards of ice towards me. I let out a gasp of surprise, caught off guard, though I retaliated quickly by countering the shards of ice. To counter it, I lit up both of my fists with my frost flames and punched every single shard, melting them away to nothing but water. It hurt like hell, though the ice shards ultimately did not hit me at all. Which, was technically what I was going for. His facial expression remained calm, though I could tell he was being angered by my constant defense as he sent another barrage of ice shards at me, though they were way larger in size. I had a face of fear, with my sky blue eyes widened, and apparently my classmates noticed as the audience gasped. I could do nothing but roll and dodge a minority of them while punching them away, which hurt a lot, and I was constantly being scraped by the majority of the shards.

It hurts. Really, really hurts, man. I groaned out of pain in my head.

Eventually this barrage of ice led to me doing something I never thought I could do. All I saw was the familiar blue hue of my frost flames as it was released from my body and erupted like a circular explosion around me. It left me quite exhausted, though the ice shards stopped coming at me and when I looked back I saw that Julien was knocked onto the floor. Then a buzzer sounded as per usual, with fearful and shocked gasps erupting from the crowd, and Professor Leroux spoke in a rapid, fearful manner. "Julien is knocked out cold, and loses by default! Shirou is the winner. Congratulations on finding a new way to use your Pyrokinesis. Bronze Pierre, please bring Julien to the infirmary, it's adjacent to the lunch hall."

"Yes Professor!" Bronze's familiar voice shouted as he picked up Julien carefully and ran all the way to the infirmary. I stood up from my spot and sighed. "I'm sorry," I apologized though it may not be enough.

"Maybe say that to Julien himself," suggested the Professor as she walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder. "Though that was an excellent move. In a real fight, it would be extremely effective. Again, congratulations on being able to do something like that."

"Thank you.." I muttered as I regrouped with Akaza.

"What was that, man?" He asked curiously. I didn't give him an answer.

The bell rang, though. The Professor sighed and shouted, "Dismissed! Go on now, students."

We all left the Pyrokinesis Training classroom.

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