2. Mystery still

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A month passed since Damon was informed by Katherine Pierce about two individuals who would be coming for Elena. Although confronted soon after it happened, nothing progressed further. Elijah turned out to be a failure as well much to everyone's disappointment.

Now with Katherine out of the tomb and Elijah incapacitated, the Salvatore brothers were grasping on strings — whatever was available.

Katherine strolled through the town, casually looking around the various shops after angering and irritating the brothers and her doppelganger. As she strolled further down the street, she stopped abruptly gaping in shock when her eyes fell on someone in particular.

She looked around and made her way over to the person who attracted her attention. Somehow the person she noticed — the woman was assimilating successfully in the small crowd but at the same time she stood out perfectly. She sat in a chair, of a cafe perched out on the footpath. She set the cup of coffee back on the saucer.

The fiery red voluminous hair cascaded like a river down her slender back. Her eyes, hidden away by expensive sunglasses. She pursued her lips watching Katherine make her way over to her.

"Lilith. Pleasant surprise." said Katherine. Had someone heard this particular exchange, they would have been shocked. Katherine's voice was low and respectfully calm and gentle.

"When the woman I trusted in giving me information I sought goes off grid and radio silent I had no choice but to find you myself." she gestured at the chair opposite to hers, "take a seat."

Katherine gulped down putting a brave front and took the seat. "things haven't been going well. It's just──"

"Doppelganger. She exists." Lilith stated with a deadpan look. Katherine slumped her shoulders and hung her head low as Lilith's scrutinising gaze was set on her. 

"I was going to call but──"

"You pushed yourself into trouble when you indulged into mischief with the Salvatore brothers." 

Katherine looked away, biting her lower lip. "I have it handled."

Lilith raised a single brow but considered her anyway. "Is that why a swanky vampire named Cody had an email loaded on his screen stating that the doppelganger is alive and ready to surrender."

"She — Elena is a bit of a martyr, would do anything for those she loves."

Lilith hummed, "nice. A rare quality among doppelgangers. You would know it well." Katherine scouled at her bitter words.

"Have you warned anyone about who it is, that are after Elena?" Katherine played out every way this conversation could lead up to. She saw a moment in which she could die, another where she would be spared just barely in time.

"Katherine, did you or did you not — to save yourself in one final desperate attempt of playing both sides of this particular exchange forewarn anyone of who might be approaching the city and Elena?"

"Yes. I told Damon and Elijah." Lilith licked her bottom lip and pursued them in a tight thin line.

"Lilith, please they were trapping me into the tomb....I, uh, I didn't have an option."

"It's quite alright sweetheart. I am not mad. Neither will he be. If anything you made it more thrilling. Them anticipating two myths with barely any understanding of how they work."

"I'm safe?" Lilith laughed condescendingly at Katherine's moment of softness and innocence.

"It's Klaus we're talking about, sweetheart. Just because he's held back on the idea of killing you doesn't mean he's going to spare you." Katherine's heart drummed in her chest. "Your life is his now. That was the deal, remember?

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