House of Time/House of Aliens

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Max struggled against Rufus as best she could as he dragged her out of the warehouse.

"Behave and I won't break anything." He hissed.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Max shrieked as she woke up. "LET GO! NO!"

"MAX! MAX IT'S ME!" Fabian was at her side, trying to grab her so she didn't flail and hurt herself.

Panting hard, Max looked around before looking at Fabian. She swallowed hard. "S-Sorry."

"Nothing to have the right to be a little upset." Fabian assured her with a soft smile.

Max leaned over and hugged him, which he returned instantly.

First a strange talk with Sarah, then a memory of Rufus.

The universe really didn't want her to relax, did it?

"I'm gonna go on to breakfast and tell Nina about the puzzle piece." He sighed.

Max nodded hesitantly. "Mind filling her in about my chat with Sarah?" She'd woken Fabian up in the middle of the night and told him all about her dream.

He nodded with a smile. "Don't worry about it." With that he left.


During class, Max found it incredibly hard to concentrate. She couldn't help it, it was like something was watching her.

And that's when she realized the people around her...were Rufus.

Max paled and looked at the seat next to her, to see Rufus smirking down at her. "My dear, I'm afraid I still need you."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Max shrieked, startling the entire class. She shot out of her seat, knocking into some of the other tables as she bolted out. Many from Anubis house went after her, but she quickly got away from them.


"Max?" She paled when she heard Alfie call out.

For a moment she thought he left, but then someone was grabbing her foot.

She kicked out of instinct and heard Alfie groan. "For such a little really pack a kick..." He admitted, sliding down against the washing machine. She had hidden in the laundry room. "So what's up? Why the freak out in class?"

Max pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly. "It's...It's no big deal. I didn't sleep well and I think I fell asleep in class without realizing it and had a sort of nightmare."

Alfie bit his lip. "...Does it have to do with those bruises?"

At this, Max subconsciously pulled her sleeve down. The bruises were fading, but he'd seen them when he did his skateboard stunt.

"...Max you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but...were you attacked or something?" Alfie asked hesitantly. "People say that can't happen to guys, but...I've never agreed with that line of thought."

Max swallowed hard. "I..." She took a deep breath. "Look's...something happened and it just stuck with me more than I'd like."

"Yeah I get it. Ever since the whole cellar thing..." Alfie shuddered. "Can't seem to shake that. I get a lot of nightmares about it too."

"...So what do you do?" She asked.

Alfie smiled. "Hang out with people, so I'm not alone." Max smiled. "But...Jerome's kind of abandoned me for Mara."

"...We could hang out." Max offered awkwardly. "I mean, I won't be caught dead with a skateboard, but still." Alfie grinned.

"Sounds good. Listen I want to show you something, I think it's connected to aliens." Max almost rolled her eyes, but she could tell Alfie was being sincere about this.

House of Chaos ~FemaleOC x Joy Mercer~ (Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now