House of Flames/House of Passages

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During class, Fabian got the MP3 player confiscated because Andrews caught him listening to it in class. And Amber was still obsessed over Max, practically latched onto her like a leech.

Don't get Max wrong, she'd grown quite fond of Amber, but she didn't like her that way and she was certain if Amber knew the truth, then the feeling of friendship would be mutual.

Nina and Fabian were sitting on her bed trying to figure out the puzzle, while Amber was clinging to Max's arm, hugging it like it was her own personal doll. "Maybe try turning it?" Nina suggested.

Fabian did just that and sure enough, the gem on top came off and the inside had a paper.

"Cat is the place to find, there in the flame she must look behind." Fabian read out loud, eyebrows furrowed.

"No idea." Amber shrugged.

"Cat...Cat..." Max gasped in realization. "Cat!" She ripped her arm out of Amber's hold and snatched the laptop, doing a quick search.

She beamed. "Bingo. Cat, it can be fire or place of fire." She looked at them. Amber still looked a little lost.

"A fireplace. As in, the one in the living room." Max explained in more detail. Amber gasped.

"You are so brilliant, Max." She gushed.

Fabian grinned. "Seriously brilliant. Okay, I'm gonna see if I can get the MP3 back, you guys investigate the fireplace."


They tried to check it out, but Victor caught them and told them to leave it alone. He also told them to leave up the chandelier they had used to find the last clue, and then everyone was to be in bed by 9.

Later that evening, Alfie tried to rap for Amber but she completely shut him down after hearing it, saying it was horrible. The others scurried off since it was about to be lights out.


"The teachers were being super weird at school." Fabian told them with a frown. "And now Victor wanting everyone to bed earlier? I barely got this back." He handed Amber the player.

"Did they hear it?" Nina asked.

Fabian shook his head. "Close but no."

"We should hurry to bed, Victor will have our heads." Max told them with a frown.

Amber smiled. "Goodnight boo." She kissed Max's cheek before hurrying off with Nina.

"You're gonna have to tell her you know." Fabian told her as they walked back to their room.

Max groaned. "I know I just...I don't want to hurt her. She's gonna feel so betrayed when she learns I've been lying this whole time."


The next morning, Patricia stormed into the room and dumped the pitcher of water on Amber. "I ASKED YOU TO KEEP A SECRET!" Everyone was horrified. Nina, Fabian and Max rushed over from the living room. "SHES KNOWN ME SINCE WE WERE ELEVEN BUT NOW SHE'S SIDING WITH SOMEONE WHO'S ONLY BEEN HERE TWO MINUTES!"

Max scowled, grabbing her arm. "What is wrong with you!?"

Patricia yanked her arm away. "Don't even start with me. Mick and Amber just break up and you've already become her new boo. You are no better than Nina!"

She flicked the rest of the water at Amber. "Some friend you are." She hissed before storming out, leaving everyone stunned.


During class not only was Patricia late, but she left her phone on so it made noise. Andrews confiscated it.


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