House of Identity/House of Emergency

Start from the beginning

Max turned back to Alfie, eyebrows furrowed in concern. He was wrestling around in the bed, unable to keep still.

If things went on like this, they'd have to get professionals involved.

Jerome came back with the hot water bottle, which Max took and set on Alfie's stomach to help warm him up, then pulled the covers back over him. He continued struggling around.

"There's nothing else we can do for now. We'll have to see how he is in the morning." Max told him with a frown.

Jerome nodded hesitantly.

"...Goodnight, Jerome." Max told him sincerely, heading for the door.

"Um..." Max paused at the doorway, turning to look at him. "Does...anyone else know? About..." He trailed off.

Max sighed. "Fabian, Nina, Amber and Patricia know. Nobody else does. If the school finds out, I'll be kicked out."

Jerome frowned. "I won't tell anyone, consider that my thank you for tonight."

She smiled a little. "Heh, fair enough."

"Hey Max?" Jerome started, smiling almost shyly. "Can I still call you midget?"

Max scoffed. "If you start treating me different just cause I'm a girl, we're gonna have real problems." With that, she headed back to her own room.


The next morning at breakfast, Jerome came into the room and asked for Max and Fabian to help him, so naturally all of Sibuna went to see what was up.

He was paralyzed, shaking and sweating in bed, staring off into space with pure fear in his eyes.

"He hasn't said a word..." Jerome told them shakily.

Max sat down on the bed, leaning closer to get a better look at Alfie, eyes narrowing. "Alfie?" She started.

He didn't respond.

That's when Max heard it.

Do you wish to unleash the power?

Max looked around in confusion. "What?" She mumbled.

You have...the power...

Do you wish to use it?

Max's eyes widened. "Who is talking!?"

"Max?" Fabian mumbled, growing worried.

Be wise, Guardian. You only have one chance.

"MAX!" Nina exclaimed, getting her attention. "What is wrong with you!?"

Max shook her head fiercely, turning back to Alfie. "Alfie, talk to me." She took his hand, making him flinch badly, so badly it made Jerome jump. "What did you see? Tell me what you saw."

"I saw...I saw..." Alfie finally spoke, making them all hopeful.

But then he began to hyperventilate.

Patricia ran to get some water but Alfie looked ready to faint. Nina panicked and grabbed the juice container from Patricia's bag and handed it over. Alfie drank it and began gagging, then he actually did faint.

"NINA ARE YOU INSANE!?" Max hissed; eyes wide. She waved her hands around in angry gestures as the gem darkened immensely. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?" Nina paled.

They called 911 and Alfie had to be taken to a hospital, hooked up to oxygen.


After being questioned by Victor, Sibuna went up to Nina and Amber's room.

"I can't believe this." Max fumed the second the door was closed. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" She nearly screamed, glaring at Nina, who winced. "NOT ONLY DID WE LOSE OUR PROOF, BUT WE JUST PUT SOMEBODY IN THE HOSPITAL!"

Nina weakly spoke up. "Not all of it...I put a little in another bottle as a backup..." She showed off the small bottle. "But maybe we should just get rid of all of it."

"No way." Patricia snapped, taking it. "I'll hide it somewhere better this time."

Max scoffed, shaking her head. "Are you kidding me? Does anybody care that Alfie is in the hospital now?" She turned to sneer at Nina, who was looking down at her lap. "Somebody we know could have died today because of you."

Nina looked ready to cry. "Don't you think I know that!? I feel terrible, Max! You have no idea how I feel right now!"

"I'M PROBABLY THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW YOU'RE FEELING!" Max exclaimed, arms gesturing wildly in anger. "ALFIE COULD'VE DIED BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING!" Their eyes widened when they saw the gem go almost completely black.

Angry tears streamed down Max's cheeks as she glared at the ground. "I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE GUARDIAN, I'M SUPPOSED TO PROTECT US, AREN'T I!? ISN'T THAT WHY I'M HERE!? IF I CAN'T EVEN DO THAT...THEN WHAT GOOD AM I!?"

That's when a cracking noise rang out through the room.

Everyone froze and Nina slowly pulled out her locket, looking at it with horror.

A small crack had formed on it.

Max stared at it, a little stunned for a moment, before her expression went dull. "Perhaps...Sarah should've chosen someone else after all."

She stormed out before any of the others could stop her.

House of Chaos ~FemaleOC x Joy Mercer~ (Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now