House of Cameras/House of Numbers

Start from the beginning

Nina suddenly gasped. "Max, your ring!"

Max frowned and glanced at her; her eyes widened.

The gem had darkened significantly.

"That...looks bad." Amber commented.

"Okay look, there's a lot we don't know about all of this, there's a lot of mysterious, we don't know who took Joy, or why Victor took Rufus, the point is, we need to stick together now more than ever. Sibuna." Nina placed a hand over her eye.

The others followed suit. "Sibuna."

"Sib- what?" Patricia looked lost.

The others looked at each other.

"What do you think?" Nina grinned.

"Yes." Amber smiled.

"Yes." Fabian nodded.

Max smirked. "Welcome to the club." Patricia grinned at her. "But if you're gonna be part of our group, you need to know a secret, and you have to swear to not tell no matter what."

Patricia looked at her curiously, then nodded. "Alright, I suppose we got a lot of those already."

"I'm a girl."

Patricia's jaw dropped. "...Say again?"

Max sighed. "I'm a girl, my real name is Remi. But you can't tell ANYONE. Nobody knows outside of our group, not even Mick."

"I don't...understand." Patricia frowned. "Why?"

Max bit her lip. "Amber already knows but...the truth is...I'm gay." Their eyes widened. "I like girls and at my last school, students and teachers had it out for me because of this. Some of the female students claimed I harassed them and the school didn't even investigate before deciding I was guilty. I was thrown out, and then no schools wanted to accept me. So I changed my name, cut my hair and put on contacts to get into this one. My parents didn't care, they already think I'm a disgrace anyways, so whatever got me out of their hair."

The others looked stunned.

"So there, now you guys know everything." Max swallowed hard. "What are you gonna do? Are you guys gonna report me?"

They all exchanged looks, before smiling slightly.

"Well, I certainly don't mind. You're still Max to me." Nina shrugged.

Fabian smiled. "We're still roomies, and I already told you before, I really don't care about that sort of thing."

"Neither do I." Amber insisted.

Patricia let out a laugh. "I don't care either, you know, Joy was bi."

"She was?" Max looked at her in shock.

Patricia nodded. "Yep, it's not really something she made a big deal about or announced, but the people in Anubis house knew, so if you ever did come clean, I don't think anyone would care. I think the whole being a girl thing would be more of a shock than that."

"Thanks guys." Max smiled softly. "You have no idea what this means to me."

Patricia smirked. "Now that we got all of that out of the way, I've got an idea for the cameras, but it means enlisting the help of Jerome and Alfie."


They stood up on chairs in front of the cameras for ages, as a form of protest. And then during the middle of the night Alfie and Jerome walked around with sheets on their heads, pretending to be ghosts.

Meanwhile, Fabian was up and practicing his guitar in front of the mirror, while Max was on her laptop,

Nina suddenly barged in, scaring the living daylights out of Fabian, which made Max burst into laughter.

House of Chaos ~FemaleOC x Joy Mercer~ (Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now