House of Secrets/Attitude/Black Bird/Dares/Lies

Start from the beginning

"That's my house." She insisted.

"Alright, it's your house. Oh, you look cold." Max took off her blazer and put it on the woman.

The woman froze, looking at them with wonder. "It's your two, isn't it? I knew you would come!"

"I'm sorry?" Max frowned.

"Sarah, my name is Sarah." She explained.

"Okay, I'll stay here, you go get help." Max told Nina, a bit concerned about the old woman's mental state.

Nina nodded. "Right."

"You're coming back?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Yes, just don't move." Nina insisted.

Sarah looked at Max intensely when Nina left. "You're the guardian..."

"The what?" Max looked at her with interest.

"Please you must protect them." Sarah told her pleadingly.


"It's not like you to go wandering, Emily." Sarah placed a finger to her lips to tell Nina and Max to stay quiet about her name. They had taken her back to an old people's home.

"Is it true she lived at Anubis House?" Max asked.

The caregiver chuckled. "I doubt it, though with some of these old people you never know."

The caregiver went to make tea when they got Sarah back to her room. "I have spent ages keeping the secret, it's your girls' turn now." She slipped off her necklace and removed a ring from her finger.

Nina frowned. "Um...I think you're confused. Max is a boy." Max winced.

She held out the jewelry pieces. "Take them, hide them, keep them safe. There's treasure in that house, only you girls can find it and protect it."

"W-We can't just take these." Nina insisted.

"You must. I know you two. Nina and Remi." Sarah told them seriously.

Max gasped. "Y-You know my name?"

Nina looked at her in shock. "Remi? Wait..." She looked Max over and gasped. "Y-You're a girl!?"

"You must beware the black bird." Sarah insisted. "And the power of darkness..." She stared intently at the ring she gave Max. "When it turns's all over."

Max tilted her head and looked at the ring. It was silver with a red gem. "Black?..."

Soon the girls had to leave, the pieces of jewelry in hand.


The next morning, apparently Nina had a nightmare and Patricia just made it worse by harassing her with a feather boa.

During breakfast, Fabian was looking at Max intently. She'd still been avoiding him. She stared down at her meal to avoid eye contact.

When Nina came into the room, Patricia smirked.

"Sleep well Nina? Caw caw caw." Patricia and the boys mocked.

Nina sat down.

"So what happened in that dream anyway?" Fabian asked.

"It was horrible, it felt so felt evil." Nina explained nervously.

Amber came in. "Has anyone seen Mara? She has my hair straighteners."

"She's with Mick in our room." Fabian explained.

"What!?" Amber hissed.

"Oh calm down, she's helping him study." Max deadpanned as she ate a piece of toast.

House of Chaos ~FemaleOC x Joy Mercer~ (Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now