Chapter 11: Formalities

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"And... pens down! Now!"

"... Finally."

"Urggh..I'm exhausted!"

"Me too."

"This was tough, huh?"

"T-This was nothing..." Itsuki averted her eyes.

"Fuutarou, that was very hard, you know? How can you do this to us? It's not fair." Ruby added.

The hour-long exam that Fuutarou gave us resulted in quite the ordeal for the girls. While it had its shared parts with some simple topics, I'd say that at least 60% was more challenging to test their individual capabilities. Yet, judging from their expressions, none of them seemed to have done well on the test, including Ruby.

"Umm... Well. What do we have here? I guess you all would pass." The faces of everyone lit up, and some of them gasped.

"Did we really do it?" Yotsuba asked timidly.

"Yep. If only we combine the score of you six! You disappointed me yet again, Ruby!"

"I-I'm so sorry."

"Well.... What a shame. We don't need your help anyway. We five can study ourselves. You are way too annoying."

"Is that so? Then how did you all manage to get some grades below the 10-point mark?"

"....We- Itsuki, say something."


 Itsuki was visibly shaken from frustration and anger at herself for doing so poorly on the exam. With that, I decided to approach them to offer some consolation.

"Nino, Itsuki. I don't like to sound like a broken record, but you guys have potential. With our help, your sisters and you can achieve more than you can imagine." That sounded as cliched as it gets, but I went with it anyway.

"No. We can manage ourselves, and besides-"

"Nino. I told you, didn't I? If you don't like the idea of being taught by Fuutarou, I can tutor you myself. The same goes for you, Itsuki."

The two of them looked at each other and then at me with a serious expression.

"Are you even qualified to teach us? I mean, you're kind of hot- Ahem... I mean, we don't know your grades or how good you are since you just came to school the other day. And don't get me wrong, someone with your looks doesn't look like the nerdy type."

Itsuki sighed. "Nino, it's rude to judge people by their appearance alone. Hoshino-kun does know his stuff. I saw how he answered some difficult questions in front of the class during math."

"...How much did he get in the exam, Uesugi?"

"He passed the 80-point mark. Though he usually does much better. So I take it as he did indeed get rusty from both the summer vacation and the extra week off he took." Fuutarou looked at me reproachfully, so I decided to ignore him since I only scored that low on purpose.

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