Chapter 12: Drama Adaptation part 1

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"Woah...Aqua, you got an acting job? On a TV drama no less? Why didn't you tell me when we were in Yotsuba-chan and the other's apartment?"

"Why did you tell her?" I stared angrily at Miyako.

"Because you weren't gonna tell her yourself. Were you? Besides this will serve as publicity for our agency since you're technically part of it, right?"

"...I did not agree to that."

 "Mom, once said it, remember? That I would become an Idol and you an actor. She must be so happy right now. I see you haven't forgotten her words after all." Ruby looked down and shed a tear.  "I finally got a member thanks to Yotsuba-chan and you're getting your first role in years. This way we're going to fulfill Mom's dream. I'm so happy."

You're wrong. I'm only doing this so I can get close to that producer and extract a DNA  sample from him. Fulfilling Ai's wish? Chase after the dream of becoming a famous actor? I don't harbor such lofty aspirations. All the years of rigorous training were not geared towards those ideals. What I aim to accomplish is something different. I'm not driven by the desire for stardom or the fulfillment of someone else's dreams. 

"I'm going to tell this to everyone!"

"I'd like to keep it a secret for as many people as possible. So don't go spreading it around the school or to the rest of our group. They'll find out eventually but it's still too early for that." 

"B-But. Isn't it amazing? You are going to return to acting after all this time!"

"It's this just one time. I'm returning a favor to Arima."

"To loli-senpai?" Ruby tilted her head quizzically.

"Yeah. I asked her to lend me some of the second-year material so I could use it for later. In exchange, she asked me to help her in the show."  

"Good for you Aqua. You say that but who knows? You may get back to the industry if you do well here." Miyako added.

"I don't think so. I have nothing to gain after this."

"Come on Aqua. Don't put yourself down. I've seen how you dealt with some of our clients. You can really turn into another person if you so decide for yourself. "

Miyako thinks that high of me, huh? While some of what she's saying might be true, I'm still far from what I thought I would reach back then. 

"You can use this opportunity to both get more experience and to catch the eye of a popular producer. What do you think Ruby?"

"Hm Hm" She nodded. "I approve of it. I think onii-chan has what it takes. Especially if this can make him finally get rid of his gloomy self. Though he's been more proactive lately. Miyako-san, did you know? Onii-chan's been flirting with not only one but two of the quints he's tutoring. Isn't it amazing?"

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