Chapter 41: Ultimate Summer Camp

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"You're right," Monomi raised her head, "even as we were leaving the Palace, I could sense more enemy presences than just the beasts that attacked us. The security level in the Palace shot way up, and I think it's quite likely that we'll meet our regular old opposition now."

"You mean Palace guards..." Shuichi clicked his tongue.

"Actually, hold on. This is kind of an irrelevant question, but it's something that's been in the back of my mind for a long time and I keep forgetting to bring it up," Komaru interrupted, "Monomi. You're always saying that you can sense when security is up and when Shadows are nearby. But how? And how come you seem to be the only one with that ability?"

"Actually, yeah, now that she mentions it..." Kaede pondered, "Are your senses just that good compared to ours?"

"Well, my eyes, ears, and nose are impeccable!" Monomi boasted, her ears twitching in compliance, "but truthfully, not completely. Those abilities are actually derived from my Persona's power."

"Your Persona?" Toko asked, "I didn't think our Persona's were even capable of that."

"They're not," Monomi stated suddenly, "my Persona's main use is for combat, healing, and general battle support, as you've seen already. However, Mr. A possesses unique properties. Using their full power, I am able to predict where particular enemies will be in the Metaverse, assess the weaknesses of different opponents, and, if necessary, provide insightful analysis and battle callouts from a distance; almost as if I have a telephone inside me. I can also easily determine when you've reached your breaking point and need my help to heal you because I have access to other Persona users' status information."

"Your Persona is capable of all of that?" Kyoko seemed genuinely impressed, "that's a special kind of power."

"Why have you never mentioned being able to do this before!?" Makoto exclaimed, "We've known you for what? 4 or 5 months now? We've been through so much and only now we're learning about this!?"

"I've never had a need to utilize most of these abilities before. And even if I did, you're seriously overestimating the power," Monomi sulked, "most of the analysis my Persona is capable of achieving, Shuichi possesses through his detective insight alone. We've also never strayed apart as a group, which renders my communication ability unnecessary. Believe me, if I need to use them, I will."

" your Persona the only one that has these powers? Is it because of your connection to the Metaverse?" Komaru crossed her legs. Monomi shook her head.

"Not necessarily. I possess these abilities because they derive from my desire to be your teacher and guide through the Metaverse as both a place and concept," she explained, "Let's say by chance, someone were to awaken to their Persona with the sole desire of helping someone close to them or providing support to people who need it. In that instance, a Persona might appear as a being not suited for combat with no physical prowess, but incredible supportive power; far superior to my own."

"It's incredible how long we've been Phantom Thieves, and yet how little we understand about the way the Metaverse works..." Shuichi slighted.

"You're telling me..." Toko pouted, "I was under the impression that Kamukura was pretty off-hands about everything, so it made sense that there weren't any enemies when we entered the Palace...And yet now? Boom! Loads of the damn things."

"I don't suppose you have any clue why security skyrocketed like that?" Kyoko tilted her head at the bunny. Monomi shook her head.

"No clue..." she replied, "this will require further investigation...But suffice to say the end is a long way in sight."

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum