Character Background

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She is a sweet, bubbly and outgoing girl.
She loves travelling and taking pictures. She's always open to new things and head on to challenges. Her college major is the science of photography. Ever since she was a child, she loved capturing moments. She learned to play sitar from her mother and being lost in music is her another passion. She lives in Hyderabad. A little secret about her- she can't function without chai. She loves her hair immensely, ohho how she would always want her hair to be perfect. People think of her as little Miss Perfect but everyone has flaws and so does she. She's constantly afraid if she makes a mistake, then people will leave her. Not because of any childhood trauma but because of how she is kind of adopted. Her mother told her that someone left her on her mother's doorstep when she was 1. She's afraid of being abandoned so she tries not to upset anyone.


He's hot, intimidating and introvert. He got into India's one of the most prestigious colleges through sports quota. He lives in Delhi with his sister. It's not like people don't wanna socialize with him, it's him who doesn't wanna socialize with people. In front of people, he's a cold loner but only his older twin Arika knows how much of a baby he can be. He's like a Medu Vada, hard on the outside, soft on the inside. If he's sad he'll have ice cream, if he's happy he'll have ice cream, if he's stressed then too he'll have some ice cream. In short ice cream is his only love(of course except his sister).


She's the feisty one. She don't need a man to protect herself, touch her and you'll die. She's not the one to talk much. She wants to bring glory to the country one day. She's been practising for volleyball competitions since she was 7. Due to her dream of bringing gold medals to her country, she left her home and has been away from her parents. She lives with her aunt in Bangalore, who particularly doesn't love her but just for the sake of blood relations, she's feeding her. Padma too doesn't love her aunt but she appreciates her efforts. She's not a fan of desserts but when her mother sends her special gajar ka halwa then she can't resist herself.


He's an extrovert, calm guy and has a very pleasing smile. He has a weird obsession with painting mor pankh. Anyone can be drowned in his beautiful and innocent brown eyes. He looks like an innocent child but his actions reveal his mischievous side. He's known for his mesmerizing paintings in his college. He lives with his father and stepmother. Even though she's stepmother no one can call her less than a real mother. Kadhir never saw his mother so he loves her stepmother as his birth mother. He lives in Uttar Pradesh to continue his college studies.


She's serious, mysterious and an ambivert. She can't be read just by her expressions. Her brother says she can be a wonderful actress 'cause she's the best at faking her emotions. She would never express herself through words rather according to her dance is the best language. She can dance for hours and hours and still not be bored. Some might think that oh wow! She loves dancing so she must be pursuing dance or maybe something related to it. No! you guys are very wrong even though dance is her life, she chose MBBS for her career a.k.a she wants to be a doctor. Not because someone pressured her but because she just wants to save lives and help people.


He's extrovert, popular and extremely hot. His cheeky smile can make anyone blush. He is famous in his college for his singing. Every girl (almost) drool over him. But he is waiting for his one true love. Even after being from this generation, he believes in love at first site and wants to save himself for his one and only. He lives in Delhi with his sister and father. Although he's not on good terms with his father and have a typical sibling relationship with his sister with all the bickering and unconditional love. His father forced him to enroll in a science college as he wants Prithvi to become a space scientist just like him. But as he is our Prithvi, he still is adamant about pursuing singing as his career.

Author's POV
Heyy readers! Did you like it? So I'm in 10th grade and right now my board examinations are going to start so maybe I'll not update soon. But please wait for the story after 13th I'll update regularly.
P.S - Arika is based on me!

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