Hot Lego worker-Part 7

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We get to the Lego store and Robin is going wild. "Hey!!! look!!  Its the Millennium Falcon! Can I get it, pleassee??" Robin looked at me with big blue eyes"Sure. You really like stare wars don't you?" "yup" He smiled. " You even have star wars boxers and bed sheets and the sound tracks on cassette tapes." "I DO NOT SHUT UP." Robin yelled, embarrassed, my eyes caught someone looking at Robin, they started to walk up to us. "Hell-" I started to say hello before I could finish my sentence they walked past me and walked up to Robin. 

"Hey I heard you love star wars." He was fucking Australian like I mean Australian, Australian, and hot too I gust stared at him. "Yup its my favorite!" He smiled "Well, when I saw you, I knew that you're the droid I've been looking for all this time" I looked at them, they had a hot look and all blue hair and it was medium length, it looked cool. "Umm... i'm like not gay and umm you'r weird if you are gay." Robin answered, I look at him. I can't believe he just said. Does he know him best friend is gay? "Hmm ok well i'm gonna leave. Your grows." They looked at Robin discussed and walked away. "Robin you cant say that!" I yelled at him. "Why?!?! I don't like gay people there weird!!!" "I'm gay dude!!!" I yelled at him 

Sometimes I didn't get Robin, he was so childish and I liked that about him but he refused to understand other people. I think it's because people yell at him so much for not being the brightest or the hottest and wan he try's to understand he messes up, but I wish he would understand me! I mean i'm his best friend!

"You are?" He looked confused. "Yes I am." "Oh." there was silence, Robin seemed to be thinking. "Do you like men?" "Yes." "Do you like women?" "yes." "then your not gay." I looked at him, who dus he think he is? "Well I'm queer." "Whats queer." I cant believe this guy. I started to explain it. "I like men and women I'm just kind of me, ok?" "oh, ok. Can I have my LEGO set?" I could tell he didn't wanna talk about it. 

The walk back to the group was silent, he seemed like he was thinking deeply. I wondered what he was thinking about, he didn't seem mad. But I just didn't understand him Somtimes, we were having a fun and silly day and now it's dead since. Mabey wan we get back it will end this excruciating silence.

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