This Is Me, Crista-fer

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My life is pretty crazy. I'm in my 2 year of high school and so much has happened! I have a beautiful and majestic girlfriend, Britney. But for that we need to back up. Hi, I am Crista-fer, the hottest man in school. All the girls love me so much and my hair i'm just so majestic and beautiful. I have lushes short blond hair. I am so so hot. People spell my name Christopher that is not wright, it is Crista-fer get it wright please. 

Now that you know me we can start my side of the story

One day I heard some people talking about me. I looked at her and it was Rebecca and Britney. Britney is only the hottest, prettiest, most popular kid in school. " I know right, like, he looked at me with his blue eyes at the basketball game. I swear I died." I know I am hot but I didn't know that Britney liked me.

 I walked past with my beautiful hair and flipped it. She fanned herself. I know why she likes me because I'm so hot and manly. I sow my BFF forever, robin. "Sup bro" "Sup" "guess what Britney loves me like no cap on god." Robin looks at me with surprise " wanna talk about this over some B- ball." Asked Robin "ya bro. Let's go play b-ball, well I'll talk about my crush and my soon to be girlfriend."  

We got to the gym and none other than Britney was there on her cheer team. She is the captain of the cheer leading team, which is so majestic. I winked at her and she fanned herself. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and blinked at her. She nearly fainted, I am just that hot. Then her friend Rebecca looked at me, she is my best friend in the 3rd grade. I waved but waved hotly so Britney would see how hot i am. Not that she doesn't know already I just want to make sure she knows.

"Hey what's up girls. " I say in a hot way "hey Crista-fer. Can I talk to you about something?" Britney asked, " Sure what's up, bro." 

I pushed back my beautiful hair, she smiled at me and there was a pose before I asked "Wanna go to the dance with me?" She yelled "yes!!! EEK." Rebecca was in shock " OMG NO WAY!" she yelled. "Yes way." I responded. 

I looked back at robin that had been playing b-ball and i just thought about how hot i was because i am so hot, this is such a good choice, I thought. Little did I know her secret.    

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