The Car Ride-part two

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"OMG! EEK! I have to go dress shopping right now!" Britney squealed, "OMG! I'll get my daddy's credit card right now!" I could imagine how hot I would be in a tux. "I'm coming too." I exclaim well, pushing back my beautiful lox. "But were still in school?" Robin asked. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ROBIN." Rebecca yell. Did Rebecca just yell at my home boy? Why would she yell at my mate,my pal,my BFF?

Robin was in shock and then shook it off. Rebecca stood up and walked to the door. "Are you guys coming?" she asked, walking out. "Coming!" we yelled back. I looked into her eyes. We said the same thing at the same time: we were so in love.

As we were getting up, Mr. Man sir walked in. Mr. Man sir is the most hot teacher; he is 20; he is also single and ready to mingle; he has a really handsome mustache and he is a brunet with blue eyes and muscles. He walked past me and didn't even look at us. He walked over to a group of girls that got held back last year they were seniors, but 19-20

"Let's get out of here and leave the sickos alone," whispered Britney to me. "Ya, let's get out of here." I laughed.

When we got to the office, Britney's dad was there. "Are you four ready to go shopping?!" Britney's dad asked with excitement. "Whatever daddy gust gives me, your car and money." Britney said, "Okay, sweet, but you can't to drive." "SHUT THE FUCK UP, DAD!!!" Britney screamed. Mr. Shee-Yay looked over in fright; he is the person at the front desk. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BRITNEY!" yelled Mr. Shee-Yay. "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled Britney's dad. Well, reaching out the credit card and keys, Britney quickly took them and ran out of the front door, down the stairs, and into the passenger seat of her dad's car. I followed shortly, and so did everyone else. While evryone was getting in, Britney asked, "Who wants to drive!?" "We all know how to drive why don't you want to do it, dude?" I asked, "You like to never drive." "Because I don't, I want to." I look at her puzzled and seid, "Okay, I will drive." I gave up.

"You could travel the world, but nothing comes close to the golden coast. Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love. Ooh, oh, ooh, oh, ooh, California girls." The radio was playing California girls, well we were all singing along. I could feel the beat all through out my body, i put my hands up to dance we all started to jam out, I close my eyes. "CALIFORNIA GIRLS, AAA!!" I could feel my hart racing as i wasn't driving anymore. We hit something, a stop sign my head flings foreword, Britney flies tords me, I catch her in my arms before she hits the window. "OMG!!!! You'r so hot," she said, looking into my eyes. I look into her eyes. I lean down and give her a kiss. "OH MY GOD!!!" Robin and Rebecca yell. I look at them, then out the window, "Oh, we were here!"

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