Make Over Part Two

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I look up from my phone, and I'm already at the start of the line. "NEXT!!" People were looking at me because I'm so hot or because I'm zoned out, but mostly because I'm a hunk. "Hello." I smile at the cashier. "OMG, ARE YOU BRITTNEY'S NEW BF? I'M A BIG FAN OF HER INSTA!!!" The Cashier sequels. "what?" "OMG, GUST TAKE IT ALL THE STUFF, CUS I BET ITS FOR BRITTNEY!!" "Okay, thank you?" "OMG, ANY TIME," I ran out of the store.

I was looking for the escalaters and pushing through the crowd. I found the escalates and walked up them, and over the barber shop, which wasn't far away, I walked in. "Hey, we gust got dun." Jackson looked at me with a welcoming smile. "I look so hot right now!" Robin told me. Robin's hair was short and fluffy with waves. "Let me see the back!" I smiled; the smile got wiped off my face, and I sow fire truck red in the back. "WHAT IS THAT ROBIN?" I yelled, "ITS MY OWN THING, CRSTA-FER!" He yelled at me. Okay, fair having your own thing at least, lest you could only tell when he flips up his hair.

We walked up to the cash register, and I paid with Brittney's daddy's money. "Thanks Jackson!" Robin yelled to him as we were walking out, then he flipped his majestic hair, and the red shined in the light. Rebecca was going to hate it, but at least he's happy. As we walked out into the crowd, I was trying to think of what clothing store to go to. I knew where we were going to go. "Okay, I know clothes; we're going to go to MANLY MENS CLOTHING STORE." I tell him, "What's that?" He asks me, "A fashionable store, you will see." I answered him; he looked at me with confusion but soon brushed it off.

When we got into the store, a smell of manly men hit my face. This was perfect. "I'm thinking a red T-shirt with jeans and a cool-looking belt, or a red hoodie with a Robin points at a hot pink dress with sparkles and fluffy sleeves; it was ankle-length with a poof on the bottom. "I FUCKING WANT THAT DRESS; ITS SO HOT AND MANLY." He yelled, "If you want to look like a hunk, you have to know this. I hold up a red T-shirt and jeans, then I reach over and grab ugly ass glasses and a hat that says, "I ❤ hot moms." "I FUCKING WANT THAT FUCKING DRESS." I look at him and don't know what to say. I walk over to the dress; it's labeled as the "hot manly dress." "I guess you can try it?" I tell him. "FUCK YA, I'VE WANTED TO BE A MERMAID FOR SO FUCKING LONG!"

I walk over to the men's dress section, and he takes it off the rack and tries it on. I look at the most amazing dress; it's dark green, sparkly, and shin-length. I kind of want that dress to be pretty and sparkly, but what if the B-ball team thinks I'm too feminine? They already think I'm too feminine for doing hair and skin care. I feel a hot tear in my eye. "Hey, Crista-fer, can you zip this dress up?" I wipe away the tear. "Sure, I'll be there in a moment!" I yell back.

Wan I get there; he is gorgeous and hunky. I zip up the pretty pink dress. "I look gorgeous." He proclaimed. "Hmm, ok, let's get it, I guess." I tell him. "AHH REALLY!!" He sequels. "Yup." I respond. I want him to be happy, but if he wants that girl, he needs a better outfit. "If you get that, you need to get this." I hold up the same outfit I held up before. "Aw." He sighed. "Fine, you really think this is what she likes?" He asks. "I mean probably." I answer, We take it and bring it to the cash register. "Hey, can we buy these?" Robin ask's "Ya, ya, ya, no, what? hold on." He is talking on a phone that was placed on the desk. He puts the phone down. "Shut up, I'm on the phone." He said it with sass. "WHAT B.T.S. CANCEL ON US!!!! Ya, I know the show is in a week." I look at Robin. "Ya, I know, well, ok, I HAVE TO FIND SOMEONE. YA OK, FUCK YOU!!!." He slams the phone down, and it hangs up. "Hey, I heard that someone that was a band full of men just canceled a show." I asked him, "What if I did?" He asked me. "We are in a boy band. Me and him." Robin looked at me with a strange expression. "We are?" The cashier looked at me confused. I looked at Robin with an expression, trying to tell him yes, we are, and he got my message. "Oh. Yes, we are!" Robin exclaimed. "Perfectly, you're hired. Give me your gmail, and you can answer some questions." I gave him my gmail, and I also gave him the songs we were going to perform. "Oh, also, we want to buy this, please." He took it. "Alright, thanks. You guys really saved my buns." The cashier looked at me with a smile. "What do buns mean?" Robin asks the cashier. "OK, ya any time by by." I say quickly. "OK? by by." He waves to us. "You can't just ask what buns are, dude." I tell him. "Why not?" I look at him and just keep walking. "Can we go to get some LEGO's? I want a new Star Wars one!" He shouts out. I look at him, and he has the biggest smile on his face. "Sure, let's go." I answer him. "EEEEE!!!!" He yells, hoping he is really happy. 

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