The Academy

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My eyes flatter open and my body instantly reminds me I need to take a sharp intake of air. I can feel the wetness of my nightwear that was clinging onto my -now sweaty- body tightly. Yet I still, facing the ceiling, trying to even out my breathing as I recall my dream once more. The same dream I kept having for the past nine years. I remove the blankets off of me and start walking towards the balcony to catch some air.

It is a peaceful night, though I could hardly make out our neighbors because Master Baranov hates noises and therefore chose a very isolated place to live. I don't complain either, I absolutely love the silence.

I went back inside and I check the time on my alarm clock next to my bed. It's still three am. I usually wake up at five but I know I'm never going back to sleep now.

So I decide to take a shower, to relax myself and rid of the sweat from that dreadful dream I had. It just won't leave my head and it's frustrating me now.

I remember it like it was yesterday when it was but ten years ago. Or almost eleven years ago now. I finally decided to tell my mother about how horrible her husband is to me. The things he says and the things he does, although I knew she would probably take his side on things. Every time she did but I still tried.

I didn't want to be a bother to her because I needed her, I wanted to be the good girl because she already hated me for the way I look. The least I could do was be good. Except every time I reported something to her, I got a beating. This time it was something very bad and I wanted her to at least comfort me if she won't bother to defend me.

It was on my birthday when she left me alone with her husband. I was turning twelve and he said he had a gift from me in their bedroom. I didn't know that that gift would be a life long traumatic experience that wouldn't never leave my mind no matter how hard I tried.

When I told my mother though, she had decided to take us on a road trip, a three hour road trip that landed us in the middle of the woods. She walked us through the woods, I remember how gentle her words were. I remember how for the first time she held my hand while guiding us through them and when I asked what was going on. She would give me the same response, telling me it will be alright.

She eventually came to a stop around some trees after a fifteen minute walk, she told me she was going to get her cellphone from her car and like the fool I was, I waited. Because I trusted her. She was my mother after all.

I found myself standing around long brown trees, surrounding me at their height that was a hundred times my mine, all meeting at the top where I knew I could never reach. I waited for her as seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into half an hour. A half an hour turned into two, till I got tired and my stomach started moving at a realization. A very scary thought plagued my mind.

I started venturing for her, looking for her or a way back but nothing. I was lost in the woods, all alone with nothing but the trees and the animals of the forest. I forgot the way we came and it's not like she had started to look for me. I contemplated shouting for her name but with fear of what might come out, I stayed silent.

The sudden thought that I was separated from my mother -as cruel as she was- gave me crippling fear. I took a seat in front of one of the trees, letting my tears fall as I buried my head between my short legs. I stood there for what felt like hours till the dark started to creep in, stealing the day from me and giving me more fear than before.

I remembered being confused. Confused and scared as I asked myself multiple questions that needed as many answers that I knew I didn't have nor could I have them. Wasn't Yvonne coming for me? Why did she let me wander alone when she was my mother? Did she leave me?

Siren Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ