The next day, you woke up hearing footsteps heading out of the house. You opened one eye to see a note lying beside you. It read: "I'm off to meet up with the investigation team. It will be okay, so don't worry. I love you." You set down the note on the table and got dressed so you could follow Light out of intense curiosity. Apparently, you stopped in your tracks when you saw his sister, Sayu, making breakfast in the kitchen. "Ah, (Y/N)-san, good morning!" she greeted you, serving an omelette. "Come, sit down. Um, is it okay if I call you with '-chan'?"

You awkwardly nodded. "U-Uh, I'm not hungry right now, actually..." you lied. "I-I'll just... go sit down in the sofa..." You stiffly waddled over to the living room.

"Okay, (Y/N)-chan. If you want to eat, breakfast is in the counter." She slung her bag on her shoulder. "Is it alright if I use your bath?"

Your eyes lit up. "Sure thing! I don't mind~!" With that, she smiled and headed to the bathroom. Now, it was the perfect chance to escape quietly. You snatched your purse, containing your phone, some money, the omelette Sayu cooked, and a few ripped sheets of the Death Note that Light did not bring with him, and proceeded to leave the house.

You glanced at your phone, where you could track Light's location with his own phone. Hence, all you had to do was to follow him. It said that he was heading to the JTF headquarters. You hopped in the car and went to the destination.

You parked the car a few blocks away from the building. Light's location did not move anywhere for a couple of hours. Each minute, your body tensed as sweat dripped down your forehead. At 2:42, your phone buzzed. When you unlocked the screen to check, his connection could not be reached no longer. "He turned off his phone..!!" you gasped. Your eyes rapidly bolted from side mirror to center mirror to side mirror to observe the surroundings of the headquarters.

A black vehicle exited out of the underground parking from the building. You immediately started up the car and followed it when it could be barely seen. You turned right or left, or take u-turns every now and then so you wouldn't be so suspicious.

Back at home, Sayu stepped out of the bathroom from a relaxing bath. "(Y/N)-chan, have you eaten breakfast yet?" she called from across the hallway. She peeped in the living room, but saws no one. "(Y/N)-chan, where are you?" Sayu rushed through every room and did not spot you anywhere. She sat down the stairs and took deep breaths to refrain herself from panicking.

The car stopped at an abandoned warehouse. You approximated that you arrived 20 minutes after they came. You quietly skipped all the way there and stood behind the rusty old door. In your position, you could hear the conversations of the whole Task Force, the SPK, and the Mafia. Your heart started to beat faster. Why would they meet up at a place like this? you thought. There must be something big happening that Light did not inform me about. Your mind flashbacks when he was calling L, telling you that he might come late, and not to worry.

"Well," you heard Matsuda say from inside, "what are we supposed to do now that we're here?"

"Wait," Near replied.

"Wait? Wait for what? And why are you three wearing masks?"

"It's a precaution. There's a great possibility that Kira has seen all faces of everyone in this warehouse, except for ours. Who knows, he could just be outside, writing down each of your names. Or maybe he could be one of us."

"That's just--!!"

"How long are we going to wait?" Soichiro asked.

"Give us 1 hour. No, actually, 30 minutes," L told, "to see if anyone is being controlled by him."

You inhaled deeply. How could Kira possibly control any of them when Light does not have the Death Note, but you, and you do not plan to write anyone's name down? You could feel the baby kicking much stronger than last time. You bit your bottom lip so you wouldn't moan in pain.

You looked at your watch. The 30 minutes that was allotted has passed, and you listened for their conversation. Just then, you saw a shadow of a man from the other side. You clenched your fists and thought fast. Since there was no other safe position where you could still hear the people inside, you decided to enter the warehouse by climbing up to a window, hiding behind the towering wooden boxes. You thought about how much tedious work you're doing that could affect the baby.

"It's been over 30 minutes, L," Matsuda stated. "Nothing's happened yet! What now?"

"Sh." He pressed a finger on where his lip is. "It seems safe." The three leaders took of their masks. The room fell into complete silence, only the squeaking of rats and the dripping of water could be loudly heard.

"Why are you still quiet?" Light asked the trio. "Could it be that you are still waiting for someone or something?"

"Hm, yes, Light. What a good way to put that. We are waiting for someone and something," L said.

"Someone will most likely peep through this door, the only way for him to look inside," Mello added. "He will be opening this door. That is when he will start to write down our names down with his own Death Note."

"That is the beginning of the moment of truth," Near finished. "And that will be the end of this."

"T-That's crazy! Basically you're saying that everyone's going to die anyways just because of this 'someone' looking through that door and killing us off with a notebook?! And you're just going to let us sit back and wait for our time to die?!!" Matsuda yelled in frustration.

"You are correct. Listen," Near spoke, "If you see someone go in through that door, just let him in. When you see the door open slightly, act as if you don't notice."

Your eyes widened. How careless could the three detectives possibly be? Are they traitors all along? Or could they be planning something else up their sleeves? You couldn't tell whether they said it with utter sarcasm or seriousness.

You watched the dusty fan spin around as the sky slowly went dark. Ever so quickly, the door creaked open. From that narrow opening, they could see an eye sticking out. But it wasn't just any eye, you knew what it was.

It was the eyes of a death god traded by someone.


Hello~ It's Meeeeee-haru! (get it? no? k.)

It's another A/N for you guys, but this is just optional for you to read. However, it would be really appreciated if you give a minute to read this.

So, a few days ago, I published a new book called "Free! Scenarios~", and at the same time, my friend, iAckerman published another book of the same type called "Generation of Scenarios". If you don't really get the title, basically, it's about (boyfriend) scenarios with the Free! characters, or the Generation of Miracles (Kuroko No Basket) for tha other! ( o 3 o)/

If you are interested in swimmers, basketball players, or muscles of different stats, please try to check our fanfics out, and that would be really appreciated! Arigato ne~ for your time and we shall meet each other again... in the next chappie!

Ja ne!

Death Note: Light x Reader: Rule With MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ