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Samael lifted his head, his hand gripping the railing as he heard several explosive booms, watching on as a colorful barrage of fireworks hit the red sky. Samuel raised his drink to his lips, taking a sip, there was only one person he knew who would celebrate amidst all the chaos.

Raising his drink to the sky, mumbled words escaped his lips, "Cheers Charlotte, to a new year," bringing his drink down he looked over the edge of the balcony at the city below, bodies and destruction everywhere. Samael let his drink tumble from his hand, the glass and liquid flying through the air, "And to the same, old, Hell."

Samael turned his back on Pentagram city, heading inside his home as the loud sound of a clocktower echoed throughout the skies of Hell.

His house was well kept, not a single speck of dirt to be seen, nothing misplaced. It was pristine...all except for the mirrors. Several mirrors lined the hallways, each crooked and broken into pieces. Samael's fractured face showed up briefly as he passed by each.

His violet eyes sinister and menacing, dark bags resting underneath them. Accompanied by two rosy cheeks. His long blond hair tied up, swaying behind him as he walked.

He was dressed in a mostly white suit, accents of red and buttons of gold adorning it. Business mixed with class, beautiful and deadly. On his right hand resting a black ring sitting on his middle finger. Then there was the silver earring on his left ear, a dangling cross with a red gem in its middle, that shone under the warm glow of his home as he opened the door to his garage.

He popped open the door to his car, sliding into its driver seat with practiced ease. Pressing a button on his roof the garage entrance opened, and with the growl of engine Samael was off racing down the streets of Pentagram city towards his office.

All around he could see the leftovers of the extermination, a headache already forming as he gripped his wheel tighter. He could even see a blimp off in the distance, already causing destruction and wrecking havoc, his lips curled into a snarl as he growled, "Filthy sinners..."

He barely paid attention to the rest of the city as he sped up, a TV shop next to him lighting up as it showed an incoming transmission from 666 News, where his sister was going on national news to discuss her new project...

Samael pulled to a sudden stop in his parking lot, flipping the visor of his car down and he looked into its mirror. Reaching into his center console he pulled out a can of concealer, quickly and efficiently he covered the dark spots under his eyes.

Once he finished up he looked to his right, sitting snugly in the corner of his passenger seat resting a sleek black cane, a golden snake wrapping around it from the base of the shaft and up to the top where its mouth opened up to form a handle. Resting inside of the handle was a large magenta gem, a hidden glow shifting underneath its surface.

Samael reached out to grab it, stopping just before he touched it, his fingers closing as his face scrunched up. Swallowing his hesitancy he wrapped his fingers around the cane. Feeling the smooth wood and rigid snake. Closing his eyes he breathed out, releasing the tension that had built up in his shoulders.

When he opened his eyes it was like he was an entirely different person. His posture was open and bright, his eyes shining and his smile charming. Like he was ready to rule over hell.

The moment he stepped out of the car he could already hear the camera flashes, shouts coming from the large crowd that had gathered. They were all here for one thing, the first exclusive of the new year after a particularly cruel extermination. More Sinners than ever had died and the people wanted their Prince to speak.

Samael's enchanting smile never left his face as he signed a line of autographs with speed and ease, shaking hands, and saying words of encouragement at every turn. Then came the questions,

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