9. fuck off

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*time skip to 2019*

it was your last training of the year, and you were just going to have a little but of fun before your Christmas break. you always enjoyed this time off year, because everyone was in s jolly spirit and everything was just fun and games.

you arrive at training and head to the boot room, where most of the girls are singing christmas songs together and dancing. you see lotte and caitlin and wave at them both. you walk over to them and sit down, putting on your boots.

"hiya" you say, trying to talk over the loud ass music

"hey" says lotte

"you alright?" you ask

"yeah just this music is killing me"

"i couldnt agree more lott," you laugh.

you all walk out to training and grab a football.

you finish training and now you are in the gym. it is getting close to home time.

you are just finishing up your last set before going home. well that's until Lisa Evans walks over to you.

"need any help?" she says in a baby voice.

"i'm fine" you say

"are you sure? isn't it too heavy for a little girl like you?" she laughs. you roll your eyes at her.

you can be bothered to argue with her.

"no it's fine for me, actually i could probably go up some more weights." you say

she just stares at you.

"yeah sure" she says laughing at the fact you could think you're stronger than her.

"alright then. you try and lift this." you say. she just rolls her eyes and walks over. you move out of the way so she can get to the bar.

"alright off you go." you say smiling.

you know for a fact that you are stronger than her. there ain't no way she lifting this

she tries her hardest to lift it but she just cant.

"need any help?" you say mocking her.

"FUCK OFF" she yells and she storms out of the building. you just laugh at her.

you finish up your set and get back to your apartment. it's nice and cozy where you live, and you enjoy it too. the peaceful quietness after a long day of training sets the mood for the rest of the day.

you spend the rest of the evening on the couch. you ate dinner and now your in bed.

you cant stop thinking about the way lisa reacted when you mocked her. you cant get it out of your head. it so funny you started crying at one point.

you were just laying in bed before you get a text from viv


hi. uh i think you need to talk to lisa.

no way am i do that. i don't even want to be in the same room as her, let alone talk to her.

hiya viv. why should i talk to lisa?

i knew that i probably should talk to her, before she does something stupid. but than again, i dont really care what she does.


well she wants to move clubs. but i don't. and she said if  i don't move clubs with her than we are done. i dont know what to do.

please. i would love her lisa to move clubs. not viv though, i love viv. she is like my mum.

listen. i don't want to talk to her so i'm not going to. but if you don't want to move clubs than you talk to her. its not my problem anymore. sorry viv🧡

now i feel really bad. i dont want viv to move, yet seeing lisa move with give me a happiness boost of like 3000.


this one is a bit longer than my past ones i have an idea of whats going on but feel free to let me know what you want to see!!

sorry to keep you guys waiting for this part as well i'm also working on other parts too:)

i'm honestly rlly busy at the moment and i might not be able to get the next part out until tomorrow, but i cant promise anything as i also have a physio appointment and skl:) it's also gonna be scorching hot where i am (39 degrees celsius) so i might not be on my phone:)

i also havent proof read this so sorry for any mistakes or if it doesnt make sense:)

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