6. protection

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i was just about to head off to training before caitlin stopped me.

"oh btw, you have to tell lotte soon." i was very confused.
"about what exactly?" i asked raising my eyebrows as i was extremely confused.
"your identity? you have to tell her who you really are, otherwise she's not going to like it later on in life when she finds out who you are herself." oh yeah. i kind of forgot that i never told lotte my identity.
"fine. i'll tell her later on, when im done with training." i smiled at caitlin and walked out the door

after training lucy walked me back to the flower shop. we said our goodbye's and parted ways. when i walked into the flower shop, i saw lotte there sitting there starring of into the distance, whilst caitlin was at the cash register helping a customer.

"hi lotte!" i said with a smile on my face. she didnt reply. she just looked at me with a sort of sad expression on her face.

"is...everything alright?" i didnt like it when people ignored me. it made me feel like i did something very wrong, and i was in big trouble. it was always like i was getting the silent treatment.

still no answer. i decided to go and ask caitlin about it.

"hi cait, is everything alright with lotte?" i asked whilst placing down my bad behind the counter.

"i think you should talk to her." great. i did something wrong. or maybe was it....did she find out before i got to tell her? i had a million questions running through my head. did i do something? was i in trouble? did i upset her? does she hate me?

i walked back over to where lotte was sitting and sat next to  her eyes suddenly filled with tears. i could tell before she let out a single drop from her eyes and pulled her straight into a hug. all of a sudden, she burst. she let everything go. she cried her eyes out for a good 10 minutes. i made sure not to let go of her until she was ready. i could really tell she needed a hug. i always used to comfort her like this. she always had problems going on at home, and she would make me come over and i would sit in her room with her, hugging her until she felt better. whether that took minutes or hours, i would always be there.

"it's alright darling, it will be okay." i rubbed her back. she gripped on to me tighter than she ever has before.

"do....do you mind telling me what happened?" this is where my best-friend mode came on. i was ready to face whatever she was going through with her.

"i-i-it's m-my p-p-parents" she sobbed. she was hyperventilating and she couldnt speak properly.

"it's alright sweetheart, i'm here. what happened?" i tried my best to comfort her, knowing, or at least hoping she didn't realise who i was.

"t-t-they" all of a sudden she stopped. her dad burst the the flower shop door. i quickly stood up to protect lotte.

"LOTTE GET YOUR ARSE IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW" he yelled. it seemed that he was drunk. lotte would always make me come over when he was drunk, because he knew that he wouldn't dare to touch me, which meant he stayed away from lotte. she started crying, and she couldn't stop.

"excuse me sir, you might not know me but i am one of Lotte's friends. you are currently upsetting her and i would like you to leave until we have this sorted out." caitlin tried to stay calm, but i knew she was freaking out.

"NO, SHE IS COMING HOME RIGHT NOW.! SHE NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT SHE DID." he got his fist ready to punch her. caitlin signalled for me to take lotte to the back whilst she delt with him.

i got up and grabbed lotte by the arms, walking her quickly to the back and shut the door. i gave her some headphones to put on music, because i knew that always calmed her down. i knew i had to stay with her, as much as i wanted to go and help caitlin, i knew lotte needed me there.

lotte wrapped her arms around me, and snuggled into my chest. i ran my fingers through her hair, and rubbing my other arm against her back. she soon found herself getting tired and decided to have a sleep. i knew she would have been tired from whatever the hell happened, so i let her sleep on me. i made sure that she was protected at all times until she finally awoke after about 4 hours.

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