3. football game

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"oh yeah, just to let you know Lotte is coming to pick me up to take me to the park to play some football. wanna come?" caitlin said softly with a smile
"umm no thanks.. actually i think i beet get going. thanks for looking after me." i zipped up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. my book hit my back as it was a hard copy, i let out a small wimp as it banged against my bruises.
"no, you're not leaving. you can come with me." she grabbed my backpack and pulled it back
"listen, i get you want to make sure i'm okay. but i don't feel like seeing Lotte at the moment. i need time to think about this. i only arrived here today. i didn't know where i was going. i'm not prepared to meet her. i haven't seen her since i was 10. its been a few years. i'm sorry. but i'm leaving."
i pulled her hand away from my bag and walked out the door not knowing what to do.
"wait, yn. come back. i get it. you don't want to meet her. but even if you do, she doesn't have to know it's you. i can disguise you. so she doesn't recognise you."
i turned around. she waved me back into the shop.
"how. she's gonna recognise me. she knows me"
i was practically dragged to the back.
"she may know you, but she hasn't for the past few years. trust me. just come with us to the park. i'll distract her and you can just pretend to be somebody else."
"how. she knows my name. and my last name."
i pulled up my sleeves and revealed to Caitlin what was underneath. she grabbed a wet towel and some bandages.
"make up a last name. keep your first name, just choose a different last one"
i winced when the cold towel touched my wombs.

"and there. all done." there i was. a sort of new person. i was really afraid of Lotte recognising me. i just shrugged it off hoping caitlin doesn't mention anything i showed her to Lotte.
*ding ding ding* that was the front bell
Caitlin walked out and saw who was there
"LOTTE!!" she said quite loudly. i heard a voice that sounded familiar. it did sound like Lotte. i couldn't understand what they were saying, but i heard my name.
"come on yn its time to gooooo"
i groaned as i got up from where i was sitting. i walked out to see caitlin and Lotte standing next to each other, with Lotte holding a football in her hand.
"yn, this is Lotte. Lotte, this is yn. be nice to each other please" she smiled and waved us out the door.

on the walk there i walked behind them pretty much the whole time before they started to talk to me
"so yn, you know how to play football?" lotte asked me, with a soft smile on her face. i missed that smile so much.
"u-uh y-yea i um used to play with my best friend after s-school, until i got kicked off the uhm team." i started shaking. did i say too much? will she realise who i am?
"thats cool. and i'm sorry you got kicked off the team. you kind of sound like my best friend. i'm not sure if she ever got back on a team, but it was always her dream to play for arsenal and the lionesses. you know them, right?" i soon realised she was talking about me. she still calls me her best friend.
"yeah, she does sound like me. i- i mean who knows if she ever got back on a team. it would be nice to meet her one day." i let out a soft smile. i almost blew my cover.
"yeah. i haven't seen or talked to her in years. i really want to go and see her again. but my mum wont drive me back to her old town. and i dont really remember her address." she shrugged her shoulders. i didn't even remember my address. how could she? who knows.

soon we arrived at the football pitch. we were the only ones there luckily.
"hmm... how is this gonna work" caitlin had a confused look on her face. everyone knew there was 3 of us and only 2 teams.
"it's fine, i can go by myself. you two go together then we can rotate teams." lotte went and placed her jacket over her goal, whilst caitlin and i placed ours and our goal. we started the game. after about 20 mins of playing we called it halfway, for a little rest. the scores we're currently 3-1, for caitlin and i. with me scoring 2 of the 3 goals.
"yn..." lotte puffed and sprayed water over her face
"you're really good for someone who hasn't played in years. you're def going by yourself for the next games." i laughed at that.
"thanks lotte. i do miss playing with my team"
lotte smiled at me. we continued the game. after a while, we decided that there was no way lotte could win now. the score was 7-2, to cailin and i. i scored 5 of the 7 goals.
"gosh, you excellent. you should sign up for a team. you're good."
"thanks.." i smiled.
"i don't have the money though"
"you don't need money, it's free try outs and if your good for the team then you're on it. you should join our team, we play for the arsenal under 15's, and the big man Jonas is looking for more girls to out into the under 18's, he believes that we are all ready."
i smiled and nodded. i didn't say anything though.

we played a few more games, with me winning pretty much all of them. except the last one, i got tired. but i got tired after about 2 hours of playing. thats pretty good.

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