Movie Talks (Part 1)

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I rush over down to the locker room for the employees to finally change outta my uniform, which by the way is not comfortable at all. Like seriously, not fun to wear for like 7 hours. But at least I don't have to wait till I'm home to change every day, since the uniforms are all company property, they like to keep them all here. The locker room is kinda boring honestly though, like all the employee rooms (except for the security offices for some unknown reason, why do they get to be decked in merch and gear? HUH!!!). The room is really just a room lined with lockers and some benches, very similar to how it was at high school, with a room sanctioned off to the side, which is where both the bathroom and showers are at. Which I questioned at first, but then remembered how big this place was and how messy the kids are, also who wouldn't want a shower right before heading home... Okay maybe it's a little weird but I ain't questioning.

I grab my clothes outta my locker, which yes I decorated a little (just with some magnets mostly cause don't wanna get in trouble). I almost rush to the bathrooms to shower and change, before remembering clocking out is a thing... Oops, well better do that first, so I rush out of the locker room and..


Run into someone, oooopps.. "Ow," says my and the other person's voice, it's just Vanessa ...who I knocked over.... FUCK (who is holding her head right now) "SHit, shit, oh Vanessa I'm so so sorry, I should'a been payin' attention and." I ramble on as I help her up, "Nah, it's fine." She grimaces, "Crap, uhhh. I'll go grab some ice or something, GIVE ME A SEC!!!" and I do my signature move of running away to do a thing before someone can respond to me. I rush to clock out quickly as well, which literally takes less than a sec since I just gotta hold my badge to the scanner. Then booked it to the closest thing, a vending machine and grab 3 drinks. One for me and 2 for Vanessa since one's getting used for her head, and then book it back to her. When I get there, I find her in the locker room on one of the benches. "Okay, GOT IT!!!" which causes her to jump a bit, and I hand her the two drinks, "Why two??" she raises a brow at me as she puts one on where I assume she hit her head, thank god it wasn't a really bad fall. "Oh, cause one was gonna be for the bruise other is apology thing.. Sorry I didn't know what you liked so I just grabbed one or well two.." "Well maybe, if someone wasn't in a rush this wouldn't have happened!!" she snaps. OH she's mad, wish I picked that up sooner. "Sorry, I was just ne-" "(Y/N) I don't need a play by play." Oh yeah, forgot she's been victim to my ramblings a couple times by now."Oh, right... you okay?" She looks over and sighs, "Yeah, just.. long night." "Oh, did someone get in.. or was it the animatronics again?" I ask her moving to sit beside her. "The animatronics, mostly the caution bots all decided to bombard me tonight.. No idea why, but they've been doing it for the last month and it's AGGRAVATING!!" I nod, just listening. "They are literally only there for clean up. YET THEY KEEP COMING TO ME!!!" She screams out the last bit, which yeah. I don't like being bombarded either. Even if Vanessa is a bit, snappy let's go with that, she's overwhelmed too I mean I couldn't have done what she's been doing for the last couple of years BY MYSELF if I wanted to. "Sorry, just.. Thanks for listening." I just look over at her and smile, "Course anytime." I move to stand up grabbing my clothes, "Welp, Im'a go shower. See ya'." And as I'm walking to the showers, I give her my signature good-bye peace sign.

I finally get into the shower after.. I don't know how long I was talking to Vanessa for but I don't think it was too long.. Maybe? Curse my time-blindness. But gosh the shower feels so nice after today, cause like Vanessa it's been a long night (well more like last hour or two).

I finish up and change and make a note to ask about how we get uniforms cleaned here, cause I got no god damn clue!! Definitely happy I bring my pajama pants with me every day though, I don't wanna wear jeans today either. Especially with me having sobbed my eyes out, and having whole episode over something I didn't cause. Still tired, but I feel less like I wanna drop off the face of the earth and sleep forever kinda tired, and more so I wanna crawl into a small space and lay there kinda tired. Quickly I grab my backpack out of the locker too before I forget, which is my stand-in purse (cause I don't like purses). As I'm heading back to the daycare I rush again to the vending machine, CAUSE DANG IT I'M HUNGRY. Maybe only eating right before coming to the Pizzaplex is a bad idea, especially since I end up spending a bunch on vending machine snacks.. Okay new objective future me, buy some snacks and filling food I can stuff in my purse or hide in my pocket. I grab the Meat bites, Bonnie bites, and Eat n' Cry candy for laughs (also curiosity got me). Then rush back to the daycare, which again I fight myself bout jumping into the little fountain, because it looks so enticing, also cause soaked PJs do NOT sound enticing (I could strip, but I think I could be fired for that, so I won't). But I push forward anyways, cause dang it me and Sunny-swirl are bout' to have an awesome MOVIE NIGHT, or is it day, since ya' know it's 6:00 A.M... Eh whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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