The New Job

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As I drive across the city, the sun is going down, lights come on one by one. The sun paints a wonderful glow across the city. Even if it block out the wonder and beauty of our natural lights of the nights, which are the stars.  I come up to my destination, The Pizzaplex. I just got a call earlier today, and I was hired, which was quite quick it's been like less than a week since the interview. They want me to come in tonight to get the ropes, weirdly there is no orientation, which is semi-worrying. But this is for the best Sunny boi ever, so I have to do this. Me and every contact I have on my Fazwatch have been keeping in touch throughout this week. Which is mainly me having figured out the Fazwatch connects to the internet, and can act like a phone messaging system. So thus the meme wars began, aka me sending only GIFs to everyone. And it's alot of MEMES, why you may ask, cause I can, DUH.

I think I have officially become the annoying friend.. Wait I already was. I kinda hold that title like a crown of honor at this point.

I get my small backpack I use as a purse, because actual purses are DUMB, and check the fiftieth time if everything is inside, and yes it is, again. Then I finally got out of my car, but somehow almost forgot my phone. OOPs, heheeh at least I caught myself. Then finally I lock the dang car and rush inside. The place is still bright, which is weird. I mean I already was stuck here once and only after getting home did I realize the lights were all still on, which is weird for a company, especially one as cheap as Fazbears. Like you'd think they'd have the power shut off after closing, instead of just having it go out for 5 minutes at the start of the hour after midnight. But it's probably for the best, cause otherwise I wouldn't have met Sunny.

“HEY YOU,” and I screech, having just been caught in thought. Turning around I see who I assume is my trainer and the other night guard. “Oh, sorry didn’t see ya there,” I say super awkwardly, I have to suppress the urge to rock on my heels or flap my hands right now, new person. Don't know if I can do that, without being stared at.

“Umm, well I’m (Y/N). Nice to meet you, and you’re the night guard right?” I hold out my hand for a greeting which she accepts “You the new helper?” she raises an eyebrow at me. “No offense, but aren’t you a little young to be the new guard. Didn’t think they’d hire a teen for this job, even if they like to be cheap..” She whispers the last part to herself, but cause I have super hearing I heard it. Yay, autism to the rescue, by giving me heightened senses I never asked for, that was sarcasm......... Did I really just think that to myself? Eh, whatever.

It clicks then, after my random rant in my brain-hole, and I have to hold in my laughter, she thinks I’m like 16. “No, no um. I’m actually almost 19, will be in like a week or 2 now.”

“OH, OH, I’m sorry, I just assumed–” I butt in, “Yeah and you’re not the only one, I get it alot. Like all the time alot.”

“Anyway, I'm Vanessa, the security for this dump, that they call a restaurant. Come on, I’ll show you the ropes.”

She takes me to the locker rooms, to which I get a locker for and a uniform, which ehhh, it's soooo boring, but I’ll live with it. The uniform consists of a white button up, with a big old patch saying security about a star, a black hat saying 'Security" in big letters, and some pathetic and sad looking grey pants. Like yes they look new, but extremelyyy boring, which I don't vibe well with, hopefully the uniform is somewhat comfortable.

Then I get a utility belt with shiny badge of the same patch on my shirt, a flashlight, and taser, which I never want to use. Once I got into the outfit she showed me her routes, and how she worked. We then talked to figure out which way to split her routes up, so I could take some of the load off her hands. When Vanessa then started ranting about issues with all the stars, aka the animatronics, I offered to take those areas off her hands, which I think she’s grateful for. Maybe.

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