Puppet Bonding

187 9 14

(3:30 A.M)

Both me and Sunny rush over to one of the kiddie tables, to get everything ready for the SEWATHON as I'm calling it. "YOU WAIT HERE, (N/N) WHILE I GET THE SUPPLIES," he says before the clip on his back catapults to the rafters to act as a grabbling hook and takes him to the balcony, that's kinda a boring name, especially since the thing looks like a god dang tower from a castle.. Castle Sol maybe? eh I'll workshop it.. Wonder what's back there? Oooohhh, is it their room? All the other entertainment animatronics have areas to themselves at night. So why shouldn't they have one too?

I finally see Sun come out onto the balcony with his arms full of crafting supplies, stuff I'm guessing you wouldn't want kids to get their hands on, especially if it is gonna be used for outfits or puppets, not to mention the sewing stuff. Sunny looks down at me from the balcony, and moves backwards, keeping their eyes in front of em'. Once they are at least 5 feet away from the balcony they run forward and leap off Castle Sol, keeping their arms huddled around the supplies, "CANNNON BALLL," they yell, as a wave a plastic balls erupts into the air. The entire thing leaves me giggling at the silliness making me wish I could do that, but y'know made weird flesh thing kinda gets in the way of that, don't wanna kill myself accidently.

Sun's head pops up from the ball pit, with them raising their arms above his head holding all the supplies, which he was able to hold onto, like a child with a present on Christmas morning. "GOT IT, (N/N.)"  I yell out, "SUN THAT WAS AWESOME !!" His rays spin on his head clearly excited as he makes his way out of the colorful pit I yell out impatiently cause I have no patience what so ever, "COME ON, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE SO WE CAN DO THIS!!" "COMING." They get to the table both of us basically vibrating with excitement as we both start getting everything set up. Of course Sunny is showing me how he makes his puppets, it's honestly surprising he got all this scrap material, except maybe the felt. And even though I know that making even one puppet will take days maybe even weeks I'm really excited.

Then my alarm go off, FUCK I FORGOT THE TIME..


Sun is just as fazed as me, frantically trying to stay in control, but of course he can't, the screams are just as bad as last time. Before I can even think of what I'm doing and more importantly before Sun shifts into the mean moon guy, I grab the pages with me and Sun's designs on them and dart to the security desk, with the NIGHTMARE RIPOFF hot on my tail, I hear him giggling hoarsely behind me, "GO AWAY YOU HECKIN' JERK, !!" I yell out, as I knock a bunch of toys off one of the kiddie tables. "Clean up, Clean up,"  I finally get to the desk and flop into the chair there, giving him a look.. They're still cleaning up the toys, cause apparently that table had alot of them, probably from Sunny playing earlier.. They were arranged as if someone was still playing with them, and had left for a little bit. I feel a pang of guilt in my chest.... I decide I'll play on my phone for the next fifteen minutes, like I did last time, I don't want to give this jerk the satisfaction of whatever they want from me, most likely to watch me suffer and get angry.. The guy did try to kill me. "You must have a death wish, Grown-Child, to come back~" I almost roll my eyes at this robot, "I said I was gonna last time," "and I had assumed you were lying, like all Naughty Children do," he said while looking at their claws, which I can tell thanks to my phone's light are a dark blue though I make a point to only side-eye them and not give them my full undivided attention, "Yeah, well I'm horrible at lying." I state shrugging looking at my phone, "So I was gonna come back, anyway." I say the last word with added  weight. "Well, and I shouldn't have expected a Grown-Child to have any intellect." Now that made me a bit miffed, but I chose to ignore them. Continuing on my phone looking at the time (3:49 A.M.).  "You Deaf now too or are there just no words in that tiny skull of yours?~" And ignoring begins now in full swing, cause I pull out my headphones, and start blasting my playlist that I use to draw with. The effect is immediate, even though neither Sunny or the Creep Moon Guy can move their facial features, just by body language alone I can see him shaking with fury and clawing at the edges of the desk. Then I spin the chair around to the wall, so I don't gotta see him anymore. Even when he goes over to side of the desk, where I can see him I just keep spinning my chair away. Till finally, (3:59 A.M.)... And I kinda debate giving the finger, but no Sun would see that.

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